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synced 2025-02-02 03:38:43 -05:00
167 lines
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167 lines
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#ifndef STO_H_
#define STO_H_
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
//Interface for reading/using a processed STO file.
namespace sto {
enum class part_of_speech_t : uint8_t {
//0 is used for detecting corrupted files
adjective = 1,
commonNoun = 2,
conjunction = 3,
demonstrativePronoun = 4,
deponentVerb = 5,
existentialPronoun = 6,
generalAdverb = 7,
indefinitePronoun = 8,
infinitiveParticle = 9,
interjection = 10,
interrogativeRelativePronoun = 11,
mainVerb = 12,
numeral = 13,
ordinalAdjective = 14,
personalPronoun = 15,
possessivePronoun = 16,
preposition = 17,
properNoun = 18,
reciprocalPronoun = 19,
unclassifiedParticle = 20,
unspecified = 21,
coordinatingConjunction = 22,
subordinatingConjunction = 23,
enum class word_form_type_t : uint8_t {
wordFormsExplicit = 1, //entry has all word forms explicitly listed
enum class word_form_attribute_t : uint8_t {
none = 0,
adjectivalFunction_attributiveFunction = 1,
adjectivalFunction_predicativeFunction = 2,
adjectivalFunction_unspecified = 3,
case_genitiveCase = 4,
case_nominativeCase = 5,
case_unspecified = 6,
definiteness_definite = 7,
definiteness_indefinite = 8,
definiteness_unspecified = 9,
degree_comparative = 10,
degree_positive = 11,
degree_superlative = 12,
grammaticalGender_commonGender = 13,
grammaticalGender_neuter = 14,
grammaticalGender_unspecified = 15,
grammaticalNumber_plural = 16,
grammaticalNumber_singular = 17,
grammaticalNumber_unspecified = 18,
independentWord_no = 19,
independentWord_yes = 20,
officiallyApproved_no = 21,
officiallyApproved_yes = 22,
ownerNumber_plural = 23,
ownerNumber_singular = 24,
ownerNumber_unspecified = 25,
person_firstPerson = 26,
person_secondPerson = 27,
person_thirdPerson = 28,
reflexivity_no = 29,
reflexivity_yes = 30,
reflexivity_unspecified = 31,
register_formalRegister = 32,
register_OBSOLETE = 33,
tense_past = 34,
tense_present = 35,
transcategorization_transadjectival = 36,
transcategorization_transadverbial = 37,
transcategorization_transnominal = 38,
verbFormMood_gerundive = 39,
verbFormMood_imperative = 40,
verbFormMood_indicative = 41,
verbFormMood_infinitive = 42,
verbFormMood_participle = 43,
voice_activeVoice = 44,
voice_passiveVoice = 45,
struct WordForm {
static const unsigned max_attributes = 6;
word_form_attribute_t attribute[max_attributes];
uint8_t written_form_length;
char written_form[];
size_t size() const { return sizeof(attribute)+sizeof(written_form_length)+written_form_length; }
bool has_attribute(word_form_attribute_t a) const {
for(auto attr:attribute)
return true;
return false;
struct LexicalEntry {
part_of_speech_t part_of_speech;
word_form_type_t word_form_type;
uint8_t morphological_unit_id_len;
uint8_t explicit_word_form_count;
//char morphological_unit_id[];
//char explicit_word_forms[];
const char *query_morphological_unit_id() const { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this) + sizeof(*this); }
const WordForm *query_first_explicit_word_form() const {
const char *p = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this) + sizeof(*this);
p += morphological_unit_id_len;
return reinterpret_cast<const WordForm*>(p);
std::vector<const WordForm *> query_all_explicit_word_forms() const;
const WordForm *find_first_wordform(const std::string &word) const;
const WordForm *find_base_wordform() const;
class Lexicon {
Lexicon(const Lexicon&) = delete;
Lexicon& operator=(const Lexicon&) = delete;
void *mapped_memory_start;
size_t mapped_memory_size;
struct MapEntry { //efficient (str,leng)->entry mapping structure (std::map is too slow and memory-inefficient)
uint32_t length;
const char *str;
const LexicalEntry *entry;
MapEntry(const char *str_, uint32_t length_, const LexicalEntry *entry_)
: length(length_), str(str_), entry(entry_)
static bool compare(const MapEntry &me1, const MapEntry &me2);
std::vector<MapEntry> entries; //wordform -> entry[]
std::vector<MapEntry> morphological_unit_id_entries; //morphological_unit_id -> entry[]
void sort(std::vector<MapEntry> &v);
Lexicon() : mapped_memory_start(0), mapped_memory_size(0), entries(), morphological_unit_id_entries() {}
~Lexicon() { unload(); }
bool load(const std::string &filename);
void unload();
const LexicalEntry *lookup(const std::string &word) const;
std::vector<const LexicalEntry *> query_matches(const std::string &word) const;
const LexicalEntry *first_entry() const;
const LexicalEntry *next_entry(const LexicalEntry *le) const;
std::vector<const LexicalEntry *> query_lexical_entries_with_same_morphological_unit_id(const LexicalEntry *le) const;
} //namespace