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synced 2025-03-10 09:01:11 -04:00
195 lines
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195 lines
5.2 KiB
#include "BigFile.h"
#include "RdbIndex.h"
#include "Posdb.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "RdbIndexQuery.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Version.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include <libgen.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
static void print_usage(const char *argv0) {
fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s [-h] PATH RDB\n", argv0);
fprintf(stdout, "Validate index for RDB in PATH (for test only)\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fprintf(stdout, " -h, --help display this help and exit\n");
static bool createTestData(BigFile &bigFile, RdbBase *base, std::vector<uint64_t> &testData) {
if (!bigFile.open(O_RDWR|O_CREAT)) {
logf(LOG_WARN, "Could not create test file[%s] for writing", bigFile.getFilename());
return 1;
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> docIds;
auto rdbDocIds = base->getTreeIndex()->getDocIds();
for (auto it = rdbDocIds->begin(); it != rdbDocIds->end(); ++it) {
auto result = docIds.insert(*it);
if (result.second) {
uint64_t key = (*it << 24) | base->getNumFiles();
for (int32_t i = base->getNumFiles() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
auto rdbDocIds = base->getIndex(i)->getDocIds();
for (auto it = rdbDocIds->begin(); it != rdbDocIds->end(); ++it) {
auto result = docIds.insert(*it);
if (result.second) {
uint64_t key = ((*it << 24) | i);
std::random_shuffle(testData.begin(), testData.end());
int64_t offset = 0;
size_t docid_count = 0;
docid_count = testData.size();
bigFile.write(&docid_count, sizeof(docid_count), offset);
if (g_errno) {
logError("Failed to write to %s (docid_count): %s", bigFile.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += sizeof(docid_count);
bigFile.write(&testData[0], docid_count * sizeof(testData[0]), offset);
if (g_errno) {
logError("Failed to write to %s (docids): %s", bigFile.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
return true;
static bool initializeTestData(RdbBase *base, const char *currentPath, const char *dbname, std::vector<uint64_t> &testData) {
// initialize test data (if not present)
BigFile bigFile;
char testFile[255];
snprintf(testFile, sizeof(testFile), "%s_idx_test.dat", dbname);
bigFile.set(currentPath, testFile);
if (!bigFile.doesExist()) {
return createTestData(bigFile, base, testData);
if (bigFile.open(O_RDONLY)) {
int64_t offset = 0;
size_t docid_count = 0;
// first 8 bytes are the size of the DATA file we're indexing
bigFile.read(&docid_count, sizeof(docid_count), offset);
if (g_errno) {
logError("Had error reading offset=%" PRId64" from %s: %s", offset, bigFile.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
offset += sizeof(docid_count);
bigFile.read(&testData[0], docid_count * sizeof(testData[0]), offset);
if (g_errno) {
logError("Had error reading offset=%" PRId64" from %s: %s", offset, bigFile.getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 3) {
return 1;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 ) {
return 1;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 ) {
return 1;
char tmpPath[PATH_MAX];
// collection name
char collName[255];
realpath(argv[1], tmpPath);
strcpy(collName, strrchr(tmpPath, '/') + 1);
// gb path
char basePath[PATH_MAX];
strcat(tmpPath, "/../");
realpath(tmpPath, basePath);
size_t basePathLen = strlen(basePath);
if (basePath[basePathLen] != '/') {
strcat(basePath, "/");
// current dir
realpath(argv[0], tmpPath);
char currentPath[PATH_MAX];
strcpy(currentPath, dirname(tmpPath));
logf(LOG_DEBUG, "basepath=%s collName=%s currentPath=%s", basePath, collName, currentPath);
// initialize library
g_hostdb.init(-1, false, false, true, basePath);
Rdb *rdb = NULL;
const char *dbname = argv[2];
if (strcmp(dbname, "posdb") == 0) {
rdb = g_posdb.getRdb();
} else {
logError("Unsupported db\n");
return 1;
// try to get collnum from path
collnum_t collNum = strtol(strrchr(collName, '.') + 1, NULL, 10);
RdbBase *base = rdb->getBase(collNum);
// get test data
std::vector<uint64_t> testData;
if (!initializeTestData(base, currentPath, dbname, testData)) {
logError("Unable to initialize test data\n");
return 1;
logf(LOG_DEBUG, "Starting test with %zu entries", testData.size());
uint64_t start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
RdbIndexQuery rdbIndexQuery(base);
for (auto it = testData.begin(); it != testData.end(); ++it) {
assert(rdbIndexQuery.getFilePos(*it >> RdbBase::s_docIdFileIndex_docIdOffset, false) == static_cast<int32_t>(*it & RdbBase::s_docIdFileIndex_filePosMask));
uint64_t diff = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - start;
logf(LOG_DEBUG, "Ending test after %ld ms (%f us)", diff, ((double)diff / testData.size()));
return 0;