mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:01:11 -04:00
1971 lines
61 KiB
1971 lines
61 KiB
#include "BigFile.h"
#include "File.h"
#include "Dir.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "JobScheduler.h"
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Sanity.h"
#include "GbMutex.h"
#include "ScopedLock.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Statistics.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "fctypes.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <new>
#include <vector>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <unistd.h>
// main.cpp will wait for this to be zero before exiting so all unlink/renames
// can complete
static std::atomic<unsigned> g_unlinkRenameThreads(0);
static void readwriteWrapper_r ( void *state );
static void readwriteDoneWrapper(void *state, job_exit_t exit_type);
static bool readwrite_r ( FileState *fstate );
//A set (list in this case) of filenames that we intend to unlink or rename (src name).
//it is needed for preventing queued read operations from working on deleted files.
struct UnlinkFilename {
char filename[1024];
static std::vector<UnlinkFilename> s_pendingFileMetaOperations;
static GbMutex s_pending_mtx;
static bool isPendingUnlink(const char *filename) {
ScopedLock sl(s_pending_mtx);
for(std::vector<UnlinkFilename>::const_iterator iter=s_pendingFileMetaOperations.begin(); iter!=s_pendingFileMetaOperations.end(); ++iter) {
return true;
return false;
static void addPendingUnlink(const char *filename) {
ScopedLock sl(s_pending_mtx);
//we cannot have two simultaenous operations on a file
for(std::vector<UnlinkFilename>::const_iterator iter=s_pendingFileMetaOperations.begin(); iter!=s_pendingFileMetaOperations.end(); ++iter) {
UnlinkFilename ruf;
strncpy(ruf.filename, filename, sizeof(ruf.filename)-1);
ruf.filename[ sizeof(ruf.filename)-1 ] = '\0';
static void removePendingUnlink(const char *filename) {
ScopedLock sl(s_pending_mtx);
//double-remove is allowed.
for(std::vector<UnlinkFilename>::iterator iter=s_pendingFileMetaOperations.begin(); iter!=s_pendingFileMetaOperations.end(); ++iter) {
if(strcmp(iter->filename,filename)==0) {
bool BigFile::anyOngoingUnlinksOrRenames() {
return g_unlinkRenameThreads > 0;
BigFile::~BigFile () {
//#define O_DIRECT 040000
BigFile::BigFile ()
: m_unlinkJobsBeingSubmitted(false),
m_flags = O_RDWR ; // | O_DIRECT;
m_maxParts = 0;
m_numParts = 0;
m_vfd = -1;
//m_vfdAllowed = false;
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = -1;
m_isClosing = false;
// Coverity
m_callback = NULL;
m_state = NULL;
void BigFile::logAllData(int32_t log_type)
log(log_type, "Dumping BigFile at %p", (void*)this);
struct tm tm_buf;
struct tm *stm = localtime_r(&m_lastModified,&tm_buf);
log(log_type, "m_flags................: %" PRId32, m_flags);
log(log_type, "m_maxParts.............: %" PRId32, m_maxParts);
log(log_type, "m_numParts.............: %d", m_numParts);
log(log_type, "m_vfd..................: %" PRId32, m_vfd);
log(log_type, "m_fileSize.............: %" PRId64, m_fileSize);
log(log_type, "m_lastModified.........: %04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", stm->tm_year+1900,stm->tm_mon+1,stm->tm_mday,stm->tm_hour,stm->tm_min,stm->tm_sec);
log(log_type, "m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount: %d", m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount);
log(log_type, "m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount: %d", m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount);
log(log_type, "m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount: %d", m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount);
log(log_type, "m_isClosing............: [%s]", m_isClosing?"true":"false");
// SafeBufs
loghex( log_type, m_dir.getBufStart(), m_dir.length(), "m_dir..................: (hex dump)");
loghex( log_type, m_baseFilename.getBufStart(), m_baseFilename.length(), "m_baseFilename.........: (hex dump)");
loghex( log_type, m_newBaseFilename.getBufStart(), m_newBaseFilename.length(), "m_newBaseFilename......: (hex dump)");
loghex( log_type, m_newBaseFilenameDir.getBufStart(), m_newBaseFilenameDir.length(),"m_newBaseFilenameDir...: (hex dump)");
log(log_type, "g_unlinkRenameThreads..: %u", (unsigned)g_unlinkRenameThreads);
// . return false and set g_errno on error
bool BigFile::set(const char *dir, const char *baseFilename) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. dir [%s] baseFilename [%s]",dir, baseFilename);
// reset filsize
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = -1;
m_flushingIsApplicable = false;
if ( ! m_dir.safeStrcpy( dir ) ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. Return false, m_dir.safeStrcpy failed" );
return false;
if ( ! m_baseFilename.safeStrcpy( baseFilename ) ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. Return false, m_baseFilename.safeStrcpy failed" );
return false;
// reset # of parts
m_numParts = 0;
m_maxParts = 0;
// now add parts from both directories
if ( ! addParts ( dir ) ) {
log(LOG_WARN,"%s:%s:%d: END. addParts failed", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
return false;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. Return true - OK" );
return true;
bool BigFile::reset ( ) {
// RdbMap calls BigFile (m_file)::reset() so we need to free
// the files and their safebufs for their filename and dir.
close ();
// reset filsize
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = -1;
// m_baseFilename contains the "dir" in it
//sprintf(m_baseFilename ,"%s/%s", dirname , baseFilename );
//strcpy ( m_baseFilename , baseFilename );
//strcpy ( m_dir , dir );
// reset # of parts
//m_numParts = 0;
//m_maxParts = 0;
// now add parts from both directories
// MDW: why is this in reset() function? remove...
//if ( ! addParts ( m_dir.getBufStart() ) ) return false;
return true;
bool BigFile::addParts ( const char *dirname ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. dirname [%s]", dirname);
// if dirname is NULL return true
if ( ! dirname || ! dirname[0] ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END - No dirname" );
return true;
// . now set the names of all the Files that we consist of
// . get the directory entry and find out what parts we have
Dir dir;
dir.set ( dirname );
// set our directory class
if ( !dir.open() ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "disk: openDir ('%s') failed", dirname );
return false;
// match files with this pattern in the directory
char pattern[256];
sprintf(pattern,"%s*", m_baseFilename.getBufStart() );
// length of the base filename
int32_t blen = strlen ( m_baseFilename.getBufStart() );
// . set our m_files array
// . addFile() will return false on problems
// . the lower the fileId the older the file (w/ exception of #0)
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "Look for [%s]", pattern);
const char *filename;
while ( ( filename = dir.getNextFilename ( pattern ) ) ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, " Checking [%s]", filename);
// if filename len is exactly blen it's part 0
int32_t flen = strlen(filename);
int32_t part = -1;
if ( flen == blen ) {
part = 0;
// some files have the same first X chars, like
// indexdb.store-info-bak but are not part files
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, " Default to part 0" );
} else if ( flen > blen && strncmp(filename+blen,".part",5)!=0) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, " No good." );
} else if (flen - blen < 6 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "disk: Part extension too small for '%s'. Must end in .partN to be valid.", filename );
} else {
part = atoi ( filename + blen + 5 );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, " Detected part %" PRId32, part);
// make this part file
if( !addPart( part ) ) {
log( LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: END. addPart failed, returning false.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
return false;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END - OK" );
return true;
// WE CAN'T REALLOC the safebuf because there might be a thread
// referencing the file ptr. so let's just keep the m_filePtrs[] array
// and realloc on that.
bool BigFile::addPart ( int32_t n ) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN n [%" PRId32"] filename [%s]", n, getFilename());
// . grow our dynamic array and return ptr to last element
// . n's come in NOT necessarily in order!!!
int32_t need = (n+1) * sizeof(File *);
// how much more mem do we need?
int32_t delta = need - m_filePtrsBuf.length();
// . make sure our CAPACITY is increased by what we need
// . SafeBuf::reserve() ADDS this much to current capacity
// . true = clear new mem new new file ptrs are null because
// there may be gaps or not exist because the BigFile was being
// merged.
if ( delta > 0 && ! m_filePtrsBuf.reserve ( delta ,"bfbuf", true ) ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: Failed to reserve %" PRId32" more mem for part", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, delta);
return false;
// make length the capacity. so if buf is resized in call to
// SafeBuf::reserve() it will copy over all of the old buf to new buf
m_filePtrsBuf.setLength ( m_filePtrsBuf.getCapacity() );
File **filePtrs = (File **)m_filePtrsBuf.getBufStart();
File *f = NULL;
try {
f = new (File);
} catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
//### BR 20151217: Fix. Previously returned the return code from log(...)
logError("new failed. size: %i, err [%s]", (int)sizeof(File), mstrerror(g_errno));
return false;
mnew ( f , sizeof(File) , "BigFile" );
char buf[1024];
// make the filename for this new File class
makeFilename_r(m_baseFilename.getBufStart(), NULL, n, buf, sizeof(buf));
// and set it with that
f->set ( buf );
// store the ptr to it in m_filePtrs
filePtrs [ n ] = f;
// set maxPart
if ( n+1 > m_maxParts ) {
m_maxParts = n+1;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "New m_maxParts: %" PRId32, m_maxParts );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END - OK. New File object prepared. returning true" );
return true;
bool BigFile::doesExist() const {
return m_numParts != 0;
// if we can open it with a valid fd, then it exists
bool BigFile::doesPartExist ( int32_t n ) {
if ( n >= m_maxParts ) return false;
// f will be null if part does not exist
File *f = getFile2(n);
if ( f ) return true;
return false;
static int64_t s_vfd = 0;
// . overide File::open so we can set m_numParts
// . set maxFileSize when opening a new file for writing and using
// DiskPageCache
// . use maxFileSize of -1 for us to use getFileSize() to set it
bool BigFile::open(int flags) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. flag=%d", flags);
m_flags = flags;
m_isClosing = false;
// . init the page cache for this vfd
// . this returns our "virtual fd", not the same as File::m_vfd
// . returns -1 and sets g_errno on failure
// . we pass m_vfd to getPages() and addPages()
if ( m_vfd == -1 ) {
m_vfd = ++s_vfd;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END");
return true;
// get the filename of the nth file using m_dir & m_baseFilename
void BigFile::makeFilename_r(const char *baseFilename, const char *baseFilenameDir,
int32_t partNum,
char *buf, int32_t bufSize) const {
const char *dir;
if(baseFilenameDir && baseFilenameDir[0])
dir = baseFilenameDir;
dir = m_dir.getBufStart();
int32_t r;
if(partNum == 0) {
r = snprintf ( buf, bufSize, "%s/%s",dir,baseFilename);
} else {
r = snprintf ( buf, bufSize, "%s/%s.part%" PRId32,dir,baseFilename,partNum);
if ( r < bufSize ) return;
// truncation is bad
// . get the fd of the nth file
// . will try to open the file if it hasn't yet been opened
int BigFile::getfd ( int32_t n , bool forReading ) {
// boundary check
if ( n >= m_maxParts && ! addPart ( n ) ) {
log( LOG_ERROR, "disk: Part number %" PRId32" > %" PRId32". fd not available.", n, m_maxParts );
// return -1 to indicate can't do it
return -1;
// get the File ptr from the table
File *f = getFile2(n);
// if part does not exist then create it! addPart(n) will do that?
if (!f) {
// don't create File if we're getting it for reading
if (forReading) {
log( LOG_WARN, "disk: Don't create file when we're getting it for reading" );
return -1;
if (!addPart(n)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: Unable to add part %" PRId32, n);
return -1;
f = getFile2(n);
if (!f) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: Unable to get part %" PRId32, n);
return -1;
// open it if not opened
if (!f->calledOpen()) {
if (!f->open(m_flags)) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: Failed to open file part #%" PRId32".", n);
return -1;
// get it's file descriptor
int fd = f->getfd();
if (fd >= -1) {
return fd;
// otherwise, fd is -2 and it's never been opened?!?!
log( LOG_LOGIC, "disk: fd is -2." );
return -1;
// . return -2 on error
// . return -1 if does not exist
// . otherwise return the big file's complete file size (can be well over 2gb)
int64_t BigFile::getFileSize() const {
// return if already computed
if ( m_fileSize >= 0 ) {
return m_fileSize;
// add up the sizes of each file
int64_t totalSize = 0;
for ( int32_t n = 0 ; n < m_maxParts ; n++ ) {
const File *f = getFile2(n);
// we can have headless big files... count the heads.
// this can happen if the first Files were deleted because
// of an ongoing merge operation.
if ( ! f ) {
totalSize += MAX_PART_SIZE;
// . returns -2 on error, -1 if does not exist
// . TODO: it returns 0 if does not exist! FIX...
int64_t size = f->getFileSize();
if ( size == -2 ) return -2;
if ( size == -1 ) break;
totalSize += size;
// save time
m_fileSize = totalSize;
return totalSize;
// . return -2 on error
// . return -1 if does not exist
// . otherwise returns the oldest of the last mod dates of all the part files
time_t BigFile::getLastModifiedTime ( ) {
// return if already computed
if ( m_lastModified >= 0 ) return m_lastModified;
// add up the sizes of each file
time_t min = -1;
for ( int32_t n = 0 ; n < m_maxParts ; n++ ) {
File *f = getFile2(n);
// we can have headless big files... count the heads
if ( ! f ) continue;
// returns -1 on error, 0 if file does not exist
time_t date = f->getLastModifiedTime();
if ( date == -1 ) return -2;
if ( date == 0 ) break;
// check min
if ( date < min || min == -1 ) min = date;
// save time
m_lastModified = min;
return m_lastModified;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we need a ptr to the ptr to this BigFile so if we get deleted and
// a signal is still pending for us, the callback will know we are nuked
bool BigFile::read ( void *buf ,
int64_t size ,
int64_t offset ,
FileState *fs ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
int32_t niceness ,
int32_t allocOff ) {
g_errno = 0;
return readwrite ( buf , size , offset , false/*doWrite?*/,
fs , state, callback , niceness , allocOff );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool BigFile::write ( const void *buf,
int64_t size ,
int64_t offset ,
FileState *fs ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
int32_t niceness) {
// sanity check
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
logf(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: BigFile: Trying to write while in "
"read only mode.");
return true;
g_errno = 0;
return readwrite(const_cast<void*>(buf), size, offset, true/*doWrite?*/,
fs , state, callback , niceness , 0 );
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . we divide into 2 writes in case write spans 2 files
// . only BigFiles will support non-blocking read/writes for now
// . damn, i thought linux supported non-blocking file reads, but it doesn't!
// . we use the aio.h calls
// . we should us kaio from sgi cuz it's in the kernel and only uses 4 threads
// whereas using librt.a creates a thread every time we call aio_read/write()
// . fstate is used by aio_read/write()
// . we need a ptr to the ptr to this BigFile so if we get deleted and
// a signal is still pending for us, the callback will know we are nuked
bool BigFile::readwrite ( void *buf ,
int64_t size ,
int64_t offset ,
bool doWrite ,
FileState *fstate ,
void *state ,
void (* callback) ( void *state ) ,
int32_t niceness ,
int32_t allocOff ) {
// if we're non blocking and caller didn't supply an "fstate"
if ( callback && ! fstate ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: readwrite() call is "
"specified as non-blocking, but no state provided.");
return true;
// reset file size in case we change it here
if ( doWrite ) {
m_fileSize = -1;
m_lastModified = getTime();
// . sanity check
// . when our offset was just a int32_t 2gig+ files, when dumped,
// had negative offsets, bad engineer
if ( offset < 0 ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"disk: readwrite() offset is %" PRId64" "
"< 0. filename=%s/%s. dumping core. try deleting "
"the .map file for it and restarting.",offset,
// if we're not blocking use a fake fstate
FileState tmp;
if ( ! fstate ) {
fstate = &tmp;
// reset this
fstate->m_errno = 0;
// set up fstate
fstate->m_bigfile = this;
// buf may be NULL if caller passed in a NULL "buf" and it did not hit
// the disk page cache. Threads.cpp will have to allocate it right
// before it launches the thread.
fstate->m_buf = (char *)buf;
// if getPages() allocates a buf, this will point to it
fstate->m_allocBuf = NULL;
fstate->m_allocSize = 0;
// when buf is passed in as NULL we allocate it in Threads.cpp right
// before we launch it to save memory.
// we have to know where to start storing
// the read into it for RdbScan, it is not immediately at the
// beginning of the allocated buffer because RdbScan may have to
// turn the first key from a 6 byte half key into a 12 byte key so it
// needs some initial padding. this is because RdbLists should never
// start with a 6 byte half key.
fstate->m_allocOff = allocOff;
fstate->m_bytesToGo = size;
fstate->m_offset = offset;
fstate->m_doWrite = doWrite;
fstate->m_bytesDone = 0;
fstate->m_state = state;
fstate->m_callback = callback;
fstate->m_niceness = niceness;
fstate->m_flags = m_flags;
fstate->m_flushAfterWrite = g_conf.m_flushWrites && m_flushingIsApplicable;
// sanity
if ( fstate->m_bytesToGo > 150000000 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "file: huge read of %" PRId64" bytes", ( int64_t ) size );
// . set our fd's before entering the thread in case RdbMerge
// calls our unlinkPart()
// . it's thread-UNsafe to call getfd() from within the thread
// . FUCK! what if we get unlinked and another file gets this fd!!
// . now we do do unlinks in a thread in File.cpp, but since we
// employ the getCloseCount_r() scheme we can detect when this
// situation occurs and pass a g_errno back to the caller.
fstate->m_filenum1 = offset / MAX_PART_SIZE;
fstate->m_filenum2 = (offset + size ) / MAX_PART_SIZE;
// . save the open count for this fd
// . if it changes when we're done with the read we do a re-read
// . it gets incremented once every time File calls ::open and gets
// back this fd
// . fd1 and fd1 are now set in Threads.cpp since we only want to do
// the open right before we actually launch the thread.
fstate->m_fd1 = -3;
fstate->m_fd2 = -3;
// . if we are writing, prevent these fds from being closed on us
// by File::closedLeastUsed(), because the fd could then be re-opened
// by someone else doing a write and we end up writing to THAT FILE!
// . the closeCount mechanism helps us DETECT when something like this
// happens, but it will not prevent the write from going through
if ( doWrite ) {
// actually have to do the open here for writing so it
// can prevent the fds from being closed on us
fstate->m_fd1 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum1 , !doWrite);
fstate->m_fd2 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum2 , !doWrite);
enterWriteMode( fstate->m_fd1 );
enterWriteMode( fstate->m_fd2 );
fstate->m_closeCount1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
fstate->m_closeCount2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
//grab the filenames of the associated files so we later can check for pending deletion
strcpy(fstate->m_filename1, getFile2(fstate->m_filenum1)->getFilename());
fstate->m_filename1[0] = '\0';
strcpy(fstate->m_filename2, getFile2(fstate->m_filenum2)->getFilename());
fstate->m_filename2[0] = '\0';
// get the close counts after calling getfd() since if getfd() calls
// File::open() that will inc the counts
// closeCount1 and 2 are now set in Threads.cpp since we want to only
// open the fd right before we launch the thread.
//fstate->m_closeCount1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
//fstate->m_closeCount2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
fstate->m_errno = 0;
fstate->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
fstate->m_vfd = m_vfd;
if(callback && g_jobScheduler.are_new_jobs_allowed()) {
// . spawn a thread to do this i/o
// . this returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
// . we should return false cuz we blocked
// . thread will add signal to g_loop on completion to call
if ( g_jobScheduler.submit_io(readwriteWrapper_r, readwriteDoneWrapper, fstate, thread_type_unspecified_io, niceness, doWrite) ) {
return false;
// thread spawn failed, do it blocking then
log(LOG_INFO, "disk: Doing blocking disk access. This will hurt performance. isWrite=%" PRId32".",(int32_t)doWrite);
// come here if we haven't spawned a thread
// if there was no room in the thread queue, then we must do this here
fstate->m_fd1 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum1 , !doWrite );
fstate->m_fd2 = getfd ( fstate->m_filenum2 , !doWrite );
fstate->m_closeCount1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
fstate->m_closeCount2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
// clear g_errno from the failed thread spawn
g_errno = 0;
// since Threads.cpp usually allocs the buffer before launching,
// we must do it here now
FileState *fs = fstate;
if ( ! fs->m_doWrite && ! fs->m_buf && fs->m_bytesToGo > 0 ) {
int64_t need = fs->m_bytesToGo + fs->m_allocOff;
char *p = (char *) mmalloc ( need , "ThreadReadBuf" );
if ( p ) {
fs->m_buf = p + fs->m_allocOff;
fs->m_allocBuf = p;
fs->m_allocSize = need;
} else {
log( LOG_WARN, "disk: read buf alloc failed for %" PRId64" bytes.", need );
// . this returns false and sets errno on error
// . set g_errno to the errno
if ( ! readwrite_r ( fstate ) ) {
g_errno = errno;
// exit write mode
if ( doWrite ) {
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_fd1 );
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_fd2 );
// set this up here
fstate->m_bytesDone = fstate->m_bytesToGo;
// and this too
fstate->m_doneTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// if it read less than 8MB/s bitch
int64_t took = fstate->m_doneTime - fstate->m_startTime ;
int64_t rate = 100000;
if ( took > 500 ) rate = fstate->m_bytesDone / took ;
if ( rate < 8000 && fstate->m_niceness <= 0 ) {
log(LOG_INFO,"disk: Read %" PRId64" bytes in %" PRId64" "
"ms (%" PRId64"KB/s).",
Statistics::register_io_time(fstate->m_doWrite, g_errno, fstate->m_bytesDone, took);
// now log our stuff here
if ( g_errno && g_errno != EBADENGINEER ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "disk: readwrite: %s", mstrerror(g_errno));
// . this EBADENGINEER can happen right after a merge if
// the file is renamed because the fd may have changed from
// under us
// . i added EBADF because RbdDump was failing because of this when
// trying to write the tree to a file
// . EBADF happens when we unlink a file from under a read or write
// . the closeCount code below was not saving us from coring on EBADF
// because the closeCount is only changed if another file is opened
// with that fd, it is not incremented on a close() but rather on
// an open()
if ( g_errno == EBADENGINEER ) { // || g_errno == EBADF ) {
int32_t fn1 = fstate->m_filenum1;
int32_t fn2 = fstate->m_filenum2;
char *s = getFilename();
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd1 (%s,%" PRId32")",s,fn1);
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd2 (%s,%" PRId32")",s,fn2);
// get the File ptr from the table
File *f1 = getFile(fn1);
File *f2 = getFile(fn2);
if ( f2 == f1 ) f2 = NULL;
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd1 (%s,%" PRId32")",s,fn1);
if ( f2) log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd2 (%s,%" PRId32")",s,fn2);
if ( f1 ) f1->close();
if ( f2 ) f2->close();
// we didn't block so return true
return true;
// . this should be called from the main process after getting our call OUR callback here
// Use of ThreadEntry parameter is NOT thread safe
void readwriteDoneWrapper(void *state, job_exit_t exit_type) {
FileState *fstate = (FileState *)state;
if( exit_type != job_exit_normal ) {
log(LOG_INFO, "disk: Read canceled due to JobScheduler exit type %d.", (int)exit_type);
//call calback with m-errno set
fstate->m_errno = ECLOSING;
fstate->m_callback ( fstate->m_state );
// any writes we did in the disk read thread were done to the
// "tmp" FileState class on the stack, so now we have the real deal
// we can update all this junk.
fstate->m_bytesDone = fstate->m_bytesToGo;
// exit write mode
if ( fstate->m_doWrite ) {
// THIS could have been deleted!!
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_fd1 );
exitWriteMode( fstate->m_fd2 );
// if it read less than 8MB/s bitch
int64_t took = fstate->m_doneTime - fstate->m_startTime;
int32_t rate = 100000;
if ( took > 500 ) rate = fstate->m_bytesDone / took ;
bool slow = false;
if ( rate < 8000 ) slow = true;
if ( slow && fstate->m_niceness <= 0 ) {
log(LOG_INFO, "disk: Read %" PRId64" bytes in %" PRId64" ms (%" PRId32"KB/s).", fstate->m_bytesDone,took,rate);
Statistics::register_io_time(fstate->m_doWrite, fstate->m_errno, fstate->m_bytesDone, took);
// recall g_errno from state's m_errno
g_errno = fstate->m_errno;
// now log our stuff here
int32_t tt = ( g_errno == EFILECLOSED ) ? LOG_INFO : LOG_WARN;
if ( g_errno ) {
log( tt, "disk: err=%s. fd1=%" PRId32" fd2=%" PRId32" "
"off=%" PRId64" toread=%" PRId32,
mstrerror( g_errno ),
( int32_t ) fstate->m_fd1,
( int32_t ) fstate->m_fd2,
( int64_t ) fstate->m_offset,
( int32_t ) fstate->m_bytesToGo
// . this EBADENGINEER can happen right after a merge if
// the file is renamed because the fd may have changed from
// under us
// . i added EBADF because RbdDump was failing because of this when
// trying to write the tree to a file
// . the closeCount code below was not saving us from coring on EBADF
// because the closeCount is only changed if another file is opened
// with that fd, it is not incremented on a close() but rather on
// an open()
if ( g_errno == EBADENGINEER ) { // || g_errno == EBADF ) {
int32_t fn1 = fstate->m_filenum1;
int32_t fn2 = fstate->m_filenum2;
// CAUTION: if file got delete THIS will be invalid!!!
BigFile *THIS = fstate->m_bigfile;
char *s = THIS->getFilename();
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd1 (%s,%" PRId32")",s,fn1);
log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closing old fd2 (%s,%" PRId32")",s,fn2);
// get the File ptr from the table
File *f1 = THIS->getFile(fn1);
File *f2 = THIS->getFile(fn2);
if ( f2 == f1 ) f2 = NULL;
if ( f1 ) { f1->close();log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closed old fd1");}
if ( f2 ) { f2->close();log(LOG_DEBUG,"disk: Closed old fd2");}
// call the callback, with errno set if there was an error
fstate->m_callback ( fstate->m_state );
static void readwriteWrapper_r ( void *state ) {
int64_t time_start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// extract our class
FileState *fstate = (FileState *)state;
//check if the file (part) is scheduled to be deleted. If so, abort.
if(fstate->m_filename1[0] && isPendingUnlink(fstate->m_filename1)) {
log(LOG_WARN,"readwriteWrapper_r: file %s is marked for unlinking; aborting read/write",fstate->m_filename1);
fstate->m_errno = EFILECLOSED;
fstate->m_doneTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if(fstate->m_filename2[0] && isPendingUnlink(fstate->m_filename2)) {
log(LOG_WARN,"readwriteWrapper_r: file %s is marked for unlinking; aborting read/write",fstate->m_filename2);
fstate->m_errno = EFILECLOSED;
fstate->m_doneTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if( !fstate->m_doWrite && !fstate->m_buf && fstate->m_bytesToGo>0 ) {
int32_t need = fstate->m_allocOff + fstate->m_bytesToGo;
char *p = (char *) mmalloc ( need , "ThreadReadBuf" );
if ( p ) {
fstate->m_buf = p + fstate->m_allocOff;
fstate->m_allocBuf = p;
fstate->m_allocSize = need;
} else {
log(LOG_WARN, "readwriteWrapper_r: read buf alloc failed for %" PRId32" bytes.", need);
fstate->m_fd1 = fstate->m_bigfile->getfd (fstate->m_filenum1,!fstate->m_doWrite);
fstate->m_fd2 = fstate->m_bigfile->getfd (fstate->m_filenum2,!fstate->m_doWrite);
// is this bad?
if ( fstate->m_fd1 < 0 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "disk: fd1 is %i for %s", fstate->m_fd1, fstate->m_bigfile->getFilename() );
if ( fstate->m_fd2 < 0 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "disk: fd2 is %i for %s", fstate->m_fd2, fstate->m_bigfile->getFilename() );
fstate->m_closeCount1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
fstate->m_closeCount2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
// clear thread's errno
errno = 0;
// . do the readwrite_r() since we're a thread now
// . this SHOULD NOT set g_errno, we're a thread!
// . it does have it's own errno however
bool status = readwrite_r ( fstate );
// set errno
if ( ! status ) {
fstate->m_errno = errno;
// . if open count changed on us our file got unlinked from under us
// and another file was opened with that same fd!!!
// . just fail the read so caller knows it is bad
// . do not do this for writes because RdbDump can fail when writing!
// . in that case hopefully write will fail if the fd was re-opened
// for another file in RDONLY mode, but, if per chance it opens
// a different file for dumping or merging with this same fd then
// we may be seriously screwing things up!! TODO: investigate
// . f1 and f2 can be non-null and invalid here now on the ssds
// i saw this happen on gk153... i preserved the core/gb on there
//if ( (getCloseCount_r (fstate->m_fd1) != fstate->m_closeCount1 ||
// getCloseCount_r (fstate->m_fd2) != fstate->m_closeCount2 )) {
// get current close counts. we can't access BigFile because it
// might have been deleted or closed on us, i saw this before.
int32_t cc1 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd1 );
int32_t cc2 = getCloseCount_r ( fstate->m_fd2 );
if ( cc1 != fstate->m_closeCount1 || cc2 != fstate->m_closeCount2 ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "file: c1a=%" PRId32" c1b=%" PRId32" c2a=%" PRId32" c2b=%" PRId32,
cc1, fstate->m_closeCount1, cc2, fstate->m_closeCount2 );
if ( ! fstate->m_doWrite ) {
fstate->m_errno = EFILECLOSED;
} else {
// we use s_writing[] locks in File.cpp to prevent a write
// operation's fd from being closed under him
log(LOG_ERROR,"PANIC: fd closed on us while writing. This should "
"never happen!! Simultaneous writes?");
int64_t time_took = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - time_start;
if ( !fstate->m_doWrite && time_took >= g_conf.m_logDiskReadTimeThreshold ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "Disk read of %" PRId64" bytes took %" PRId64" ms", fstate->m_bytesDone, time_took );
fstate->m_doneTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// . returns false and sets errno on error, true on success
// . don't log shit when you're in a thread anymore
// Use of ThreadEntry parameter is NOT thread safe
static bool readwrite_r ( FileState *fstate ) {
// if no buffer to read into the alloc in Threads.cpp failed
if ( ! fstate->m_buf ) {
log( LOG_WARN, "disk: read buf is NULL. malloc failed?");
return false;
// how many total bytes to write?
int64_t bytesToGo = fstate->m_bytesToGo;
// how many bytes we've written so far
int64_t bytesDone = fstate->m_bytesDone;
// get current offset
int64_t offset = fstate->m_offset + fstate->m_bytesDone;
// are we writing? or reading?
bool doWrite = fstate->m_doWrite;
// point to buf
char *p = fstate->m_buf + bytesDone;
for (;;) {
// return here if done
if (bytesDone >= bytesToGo) {
return true;
// translate offset to a filenum and offset
int32_t filenum = offset / MAX_PART_SIZE;
int64_t localOffset = offset % MAX_PART_SIZE;
// how many bytes to read/write to first little file?
int64_t avail = MAX_PART_SIZE - localOffset;
// how may bytes do we have left to read/write
int64_t len = bytesToGo - bytesDone;
// how many bytes can we write to it now
if (len > avail) {
len = avail;
// get the fd for this filenum
int fd = -1;
if (filenum == fstate->m_filenum1) {
fd = fstate->m_fd1;
} else if (filenum == fstate->m_filenum2) {
fd = fstate->m_fd2;
// return -1 on error
if (fd < 0) {
log(LOG_LOGIC, "disk: fd < 0 for filenum %d. Bad engineer.", filenum);
return false;
// reset this
errno = 0;
// n holds how many bytes read/written
ssize_t n;
// do the read/write blocking
if (doWrite) {
n = pwrite(fd, p, len, localOffset);
} else {
n = pread(fd, p, len, localOffset);
// debug msg
if (g_conf.m_logDebugDisk) {
const char *s = (fstate->m_doWrite) ? "wrote" : "read";
// this is bad for real-time threads cuz our unlink() routine
// may have been called by RdbMerge and our m_files may be
// altered
// MDW: don't access m_bigfile in case bigfile was deleted
// since we are in a thread
log(LOG_DEBUG, "disk::readwrite: %s %zi bytes of %" PRId64" @ offset %" PRId64
"fd %i "
"cc1=%i=?%i cc2=%i=?%i errno=%s",
s, n, len, localOffset,
(int) fstate->m_closeCount1,
(int) getCloseCount_r(fstate->m_fd1),
(int) fstate->m_closeCount2,
(int) getCloseCount_r(fstate->m_fd2),
// . if n is 0 that's strange!!
// . i think the fd will have been closed and re-opened on us if this
// happens... usually
if (n == 0 && len > 0) {
// MDW: don't access m_bigfile in case bigfile was deleted
// since we are in a thread
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: Read of %" PRId64" bytes at offset %" PRId64" "
" failed because file is too short for that "
"offset? Our fd was probably stolen from us by another "
"thread. fd1=%i fd2=%i len=%" PRId64" filenum=%i "
"localoffset=%" PRId64". error=%s.",
len, fstate->m_offset,
return false;
// on other errno, return -1
if (n < 0) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "disk::readwrite_r: %s error: %s", doWrite ? "write" : "read", mstrerror(errno));
// . flush the write
// . linux's write cache may be messing with my data!
// . no, turns out write errors (garbage written) happens anyway...
// . now we flush all writes! skip bdflush man.
// . only allow syncing if file is non-blocking, because blocking
// writes are used for when we call RdbTree::fastSave_r() and it
// takes forever to dump Spiderdb if we sync each little write
if (doWrite && fstate->m_flushAfterWrite && fdatasync(fd) < 0) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: fdatasync: %s", mstrerror(errno));
// ignore an error here
errno = 0;
// update the count
bytesDone += n;
// inc the main offset and the buffer ptr, "p"
offset += n;
p += n;
// add to fileState
fstate->m_bytesDone += n;
bool BigFile::unlink() {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. filename [%s]", getFilename());
if(g_conf.m_readOnlyMode) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: cannot unlink or rename files in read only mode");
return true;
if(m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount!=0 || m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount!=0 || m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount!=0) {
logError("END. Unlink/rename threads already in progress.");
return true;
// First mark the files for unlink so no further read-jobs will be submitted for those parts
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_maxParts; i++) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i))
//then cancel all queued read jobs for this bigfile
// remove all queued threads that point to us that have not
// yet been launched
bool anyErrors = false;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_maxParts; i++) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i)) {
if(::unlink(f->getFilename())!=0) {
log(LOG_TRACE,"%s:%s:%d: disk: unlink [%s] has error [%s]", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__,
f->getFilename(), mstrerror(errno));
g_errno = errno;
anyErrors = true;
// we must close the file descriptor in the thread otherwise the
// file will not actually be unlinked in this thread
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. returning [%s]", !anyErrors?"true":"false");
return !anyErrors;
bool BigFile::move(const char *newDir) {
return rename(m_baseFilename.getBufStart(), newDir);
bool BigFile::rename(const char *newBaseFilename, const char *newBaseFilenameDir) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. newBaseFilename [%s] newBaseFilenameDir [%s]", newBaseFilename, newBaseFilenameDir);
if(g_conf.m_readOnlyMode) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: cannot unlink or rename files in read only mode");
return true;
if(m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount!=0) {
logError("END. Unlink/rename threads already in progress.");
return true;
// . hack off any directory in newBaseFilename
// well, now Rdb.cpp's moveToTrash() moves an old rdb file
// into the trash subdir, so we must preserve the full path
if(const char *s = strrchr(newBaseFilename,'/')) {
newBaseFilename = s+1;
//phase 1: link or copy
bool anyErrors = false;
int saved_errno;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_maxParts; i++) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i)) {
// . get the new full name for this file based on m_dir and m_baseFilename
char newFilename[1024];
makeFilename_r(newBaseFilename, newBaseFilenameDir, i, newFilename, sizeof(newFilename));
if(!f->movePhase1(newFilename)) {
anyErrors = true;
saved_errno = errno;
log(LOG_ERROR,"movep1(%s,%s) failed with errno=%d (%s)", f->getFilename(), newFilename, saved_errno, strerror(saved_errno));
//phase 1 rollback
if(anyErrors) {
int saved_errno = errno;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_maxParts; i++) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i)) {
char newFilename[1024];
makeFilename_r(newBaseFilename, newBaseFilenameDir, i, newFilename, sizeof(newFilename));
g_errno = saved_errno;
return false;
//phase 2: unlink source and set filenames
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_maxParts; i++) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i)) {
// . get the new full name for this file based on m_dir and m_baseFilename
char newFilename[1024];
makeFilename_r(newBaseFilename, newBaseFilenameDir, i, newFilename, sizeof(newFilename));
if(!f->movePhase2(newFilename)) {
log(LOG_ERROR,"movep2(%s,%s) failed with errno=%d (%s)", f->getFilename(), newFilename, errno, strerror(errno));
if(newBaseFilenameDir && *newBaseFilenameDir)
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. returning [true]");
return true;
// non-blocking unlink/rename code
bool BigFile::unlink(void (*callback)(void *state), void *state) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN." );
bool rc = unlink(-1, callback, state);
// rc indicates blocked/unblocked
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. returning [%s]", rc?"true":"false");
return rc;
bool BigFile::unlinkPart(int32_t part, void (*callback)(void *state), void *state) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. part %" PRId32, part);
// set return value to false if we blocked somewhere
bool rc = unlink(part, callback, state);
// rc indicates blocked/unblocked
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. returning [%s]", rc?"true":"false");
return rc;
bool BigFile::rename(const char *newBaseFilename, void (*callback)(void *state), void *state) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. filename [%s] newBaseFilename [%s]", getFilename(), newBaseFilename);
bool rc=rename(newBaseFilename, callback, state, m_dir.getBufStart());
// rc indicates blocked/unblocked
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. returning [%s]", rc?"true":"false");
return rc;
bool BigFile::rename(const char *newBaseFilename, const char *newBaseFilenameDir, void (*callback)(void *state), void *state) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN. filename [%s] newBaseFilename [%s]", getFilename(), newBaseFilename);
bool rc=rename(newBaseFilename, callback, state, newBaseFilenameDir);
// rc indicates blocked/unblocked
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END. returning [%s]", rc?"true":"false");
return rc;
void BigFile::incrementUnlinkJobsSubmitted() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
if(m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount<=0) gbshutdownLogicError();
bool BigFile::incrementUnlinkJobsFinished() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
if(m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount<=0) gbshutdownLogicError();
return m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount==0 && !m_unlinkJobsBeingSubmitted;
void BigFile::incrementRenameP1JobsSubmitted() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
if(m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount<=0) gbshutdownLogicError();
bool BigFile::incrementRenameP1JobsFinished() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
if(m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount<=0) gbshutdownLogicError();
return m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount==0 && !m_renameP1JobsBeingSubmitted;
void BigFile::incrementRenameP2JobsSubmitted() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
if(m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount<=0) gbshutdownLogicError();
bool BigFile::incrementRenameP2JobsFinished() {
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
if(m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount<=0) gbshutdownLogicError();
return m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount==0 && !m_renameP2JobsBeingSubmitted;
struct UnlinkRenameState {
UnlinkRenameState(BigFile *bigfile, File *file, int32_t i)
: m_bigfile(bigfile)
, m_file(file)
, m_i(i)
, m_errno(0) {
BigFile *m_bigfile;
File *m_file;
int32_t m_i;
int32_t m_errno;
* @param part part num to unlink, -1 for all (or rename)
* @param callback function to call when operation is done
* @param state state to be passed to callback function
* @return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool BigFile::unlink(int32_t part, void (*callback)(void *state), void *state) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
// fail in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: cannot unlink or rename files in read only mode");
return true;
// . wait for any previous unlink to finish
// . we can only store one callback at a time, m_callback, so we
// must do this for now
if(m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount!=0 || m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount!=0) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: END. Unlinkrename threads already in progress. ", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
return true;
if(m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount!=0) {
//unlinking multiple parts one at a time is fine.
if(part<0 || ( callback != m_callback || state != m_state ) ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: END. Unlink threads already in progress. ", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
return true;
// . unlink likes to sometimes just unlink one part at a time
// . this should be -1 to unlink all at once
const int32_t startPartNumber = (part >= 0) ? part : 0;
const int32_t endPartNumber = (part >= 0) ? part+1 : m_maxParts;
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
m_unlinkJobsBeingSubmitted = true;
// First mark the files for unlink so no further read-jobs will be submitted for those parts
for ( int32_t i = startPartNumber ; i < endPartNumber ; i++ ) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i)) {
//then cancel all queued read jobs for this bigfile
if (part == -1 ) {
// remove all queued threads that point to us that have not
// yet been launched
// save callback for when all parts are unlinked
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
//then prepare/submit the rename/unlink
for ( int32_t i = startPartNumber; i < endPartNumber ; i++ ) {
// get the ith file to rename/unlink
File *f = getFile2(i);
if ( ! f ) {
// part doesn't exist
// assume thread launched, doneRoutine() will decrement these
UnlinkRenameState *job_state;
try {
job_state = new UnlinkRenameState(this, f, i);
} catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: Failed to allocate memory for unlink/rename for %s.", f->getFilename());
return false;
mnew(job_state, sizeof(*job_state), "UnlinkRenameState");
// . we spawn the thread here now
if( !g_jobScheduler.submit(unlinkWrapper, doneUnlinkWrapper, job_state, thread_type_file_meta_data, 1/*niceness*/) ) {
// otherwise, thread spawn failed, do it blocking then
log( LOG_INFO, "disk: Failed to launch unlink/rename thread for %s, part=%" PRId32"/%" PRId32".", f->getFilename(),i,part);
return false;
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
m_unlinkJobsBeingSubmitted = false;
return false; //not completed yet
// we did not block
return true;
* @param newBaseFilename non-NULL for renames, NULL for unlinks
* @param callback function to call when operation is done
* @param state state to be passed to callback function
* @param newBaseFilenameDir
* @return false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool BigFile::rename(const char *newBaseFilename,
void (*callback)(void *state), void *state,
const char *newBaseFilenameDir) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
// fail in read only mode
if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) {
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: cannot unlink or rename files in read only mode");
return true;
// . wait for any previous rename to finish
// . we can only store one callback at a time, m_callback, so we
// must do this for now
if(m_outstandingUnlinkJobCount!=0 || m_outstandingRenameP1JobCount!=0 || m_outstandingRenameP2JobCount!=0) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: END. Unlink/rename threads already in progress. ", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
return true;
// . hack off any directory in newBaseFilename
// well, now Rdb.cpp's moveToTrash() moves an old rdb file
// into the trash subdir, so we must preserve the full path
if(const char *s = strrchr(newBaseFilename,'/')) {
newBaseFilename = s+1;
if (!m_newBaseFilename.safeStrcpy(newBaseFilename)) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: set m_newBaseFilename failed", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
return false;
if (!m_newBaseFilenameDir.safeStrcpy(newBaseFilenameDir)) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: set m_newBaseFilenameDir failed", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
return false;
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
m_renameP1JobsBeingSubmitted = true;
m_latestsRenameP1Errno = 0;
// save callback for when all parts are unlinked or renamed
m_callback = callback;
m_state = state;
//then prepare/submit the rename
for ( int32_t i = 0; i < m_maxParts ; i++ ) {
// get the ith file to rename
File *f = getFile2(i);
if ( ! f ) {
// part does not exist
// assume thread launched, doneRoutine() will decrement these
UnlinkRenameState *job_state;
try {
job_state = new UnlinkRenameState(this, f, i);
} catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: Failed to allocate memory for unlink/rename for %s.", f->getFilename());
return false;
mnew(job_state, sizeof(*job_state), "UnlinkRenameState");
logTrace(LOG_TRACE, "rename: submitting rename of %s to %s part #%d", m_baseFilename.getBufStart(), m_newBaseFilename.getBufStart(), i);
// . we spawn the thread here now
if( !g_jobScheduler.submit(renameP1Wrapper, doneP1RenameWrapper, job_state, thread_type_file_meta_data, 1/*niceness*/) ) {
// otherwise, thread spawn failed, do it blocking then
log( LOG_INFO, "disk: Failed to launch unlink/rename thread for %s, part=%" PRId32".", f->getFilename(),i);
return false;
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
m_renameP1JobsBeingSubmitted = false;
return false; //not completed yet
// update our base filename right now
// we did not block
return true;
void BigFile::renameP1Wrapper(void *state) {
UnlinkRenameState *job_state = static_cast<UnlinkRenameState*>(state);
BigFile *that = job_state->m_bigfile;
that->renameP1Wrapper(job_state->m_file, job_state->m_i);
if (g_errno && !job_state->m_errno) {
job_state->m_errno = g_errno;
void BigFile::renameP1Wrapper(File *f, int32_t i) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
// . get the new full name for this file
// . based on m_dir and m_baseFilename
char newFilename [ 1024 ];
makeFilename_r(m_newBaseFilename.getBufStart(), m_newBaseFilenameDir.getBufStart(), i, newFilename, sizeof(newFilename));
log( LOG_TRACE,"%s:%s:%d: disk: rename [%s] to [%s]", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, f->getFilename(), newFilename );
if (!f->movePhase1(newFilename)) {
g_errno = errno;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END" );
void BigFile::doneP1RenameWrapper(void *state, job_exit_t /*exit_type*/) {
UnlinkRenameState *job_state = static_cast<UnlinkRenameState*>(state);
g_errno = job_state->m_errno;
BigFile *that = job_state->m_bigfile;
mdelete(job_state, sizeof(*job_state), "FileState");
delete job_state;
void BigFile::doneP1RenameWrapper(File *f) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
// one less
// otherwise, it's a more serious error i guess
if ( g_errno ) {
m_latestsRenameP1Errno = g_errno;
logError("doneRenameWrapper. rename failed: [%s] [%s]", getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
//@@@ BR: Why continue??
if(!incrementRenameP1JobsFinished()) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END - still more parts" );
if(m_latestsRenameP1Errno!=0) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "All phase-1 jobs finished. With errors (%d)", m_latestsRenameP1Errno);
//phase 1 roll back
//Because unlinking huge files can take time we could submit the rollback unlinks as jobs. But that would make
//the synchronization messy. It is probably best to accept the blocking of the calling thread (usually main
//thread) while we roll back a file move. That way we can at least have a bit of quiet in the log and see if it
//is something really nasty such as EIO.
for(int i=0; i<m_maxParts; i++) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i)) {
char newFilename[1024];
makeFilename_r(m_newBaseFilename.getBufStart(), m_baseFilename.getBufStart(), i, newFilename, sizeof(newFilename));
//call callback
if(m_callback) {
g_errno = m_latestsRenameP1Errno;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "All phase-1 jobs finished" );
//all phase-1 jobs done. Now start phase 2
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
m_renameP2JobsBeingSubmitted = true;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < m_maxParts; i++) {
if(File *f = getFile2(i)) {
UnlinkRenameState *job_state;
try {
job_state = new UnlinkRenameState(this, f, i);
} catch(std::bad_alloc&) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log(LOG_WARN, "disk: Failed to allocate memory for unlink/rename for %s.", f->getFilename());
//todo: roll back. perhaps a clean process exit is the safest thing to do?
mnew(job_state, sizeof(*job_state), "UnlinkRenameState");
if( !g_jobScheduler.submit(renameP2Wrapper, doneP2RenameWrapper, job_state, thread_type_file_meta_data, 1/*niceness*/) ) {
// otherwise, thread spawn failed, do it blocking then
log( LOG_INFO, "disk: Failed to launch unlink/rename thread for %s, part=%" PRId32".", f->getFilename(),i);
ScopedLock sl(m_mtxMetaJobs);
m_renameP2JobsBeingSubmitted = false;
return; //not completed yet
// update our base filename right now
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END" );
void BigFile::renameP2Wrapper(void *state) {
UnlinkRenameState *job_state = static_cast<UnlinkRenameState*>(state);
BigFile *that = job_state->m_bigfile;
that->renameP2Wrapper(job_state->m_file, job_state->m_i);
if (g_errno && !job_state->m_errno) {
job_state->m_errno = g_errno;
void BigFile::renameP2Wrapper(File *f, int32_t i) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
// . get the new full name for this file
// . based on m_dir and m_baseFilename
char newFilename [ 1024 ];
makeFilename_r(m_newBaseFilename.getBufStart(), m_newBaseFilenameDir.getBufStart(), i, newFilename, sizeof(newFilename));
log( LOG_TRACE,"%s:%s:%d: disk: rename [%s] to [%s]", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, f->getFilename(), newFilename );
if (!f->movePhase2(newFilename)) {
g_errno = errno;
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END" );
void BigFile::doneP2RenameWrapper(void *state, job_exit_t /*exit_type*/) {
UnlinkRenameState *job_state = static_cast<UnlinkRenameState*>(state);
g_errno = job_state->m_errno;
BigFile *that = job_state->m_bigfile;
mdelete(job_state, sizeof(*job_state), "FileState");
delete job_state;
void BigFile::doneP2RenameWrapper(File *f) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
// one less
// otherwise, it's a more serious error i guess
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: doneRenameWrapper. rename failed: [%s] [%s]", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, getFilename(), mstrerror(g_errno));
//@@@ BR: Why continue??
if(incrementRenameP2JobsFinished()) {
// update our base filename now after all Files are renamed
// . all done, call the main callback
// . this is NULL if we were not called in a thread
if ( m_callback ) {
m_callback ( m_state );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END" );
} else {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END - still more parts" );
void BigFile::unlinkWrapper(void *state) {
UnlinkRenameState *job_state = static_cast<UnlinkRenameState*>(state);
BigFile *that = job_state->m_bigfile;
if (g_errno && !job_state->m_errno) {
job_state->m_errno = g_errno;
/// @todo ALC we could we use f->unlink here?
void BigFile::unlinkWrapper(File *f) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
//We have to wait for all running io-jobs reading from that File to
//finish before unlinking+closing. otherwise the read threads will
//refer to closed file descriptors or get unhappy when they can't
//re-open the file. The problem is that JobScheduler doesn't have an
//API for checking that, and FileState doesn't have a File* member
//(because they can become invalid/deleted), so there is no easy correct
//way of waiting for read jobs using that file to finishes. Insteads we
//do it the hackish way: check if someone is reading the bigfile every
//100ms, break after 5 seconds because then it is highly unlikely that
//any unfinished job refers to that area/file anymore.
for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
usleep(100000); //sleep 100ms
log( LOG_TRACE,"%s:%s:%d: disk: unlink [%s]", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, f->getFilename() );
//now real unlink
int rc = ::unlink ( f->getFilename() );
if ( rc != 0 ) {
log( LOG_TRACE,"%s:%s:%d: disk: unlink [%s] has error [%s]", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__,
f->getFilename(), mstrerror( errno ) );
g_errno = errno;
// we must close the file descriptor in the thread otherwise the
// file will not actually be unlinked in this thread
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END" );
void BigFile::doneUnlinkWrapper(void *state, job_exit_t /*exit_type*/) {
UnlinkRenameState *job_state = static_cast<UnlinkRenameState*>(state);
g_errno = job_state->m_errno;
BigFile *that = job_state->m_bigfile;
that->doneUnlinkWrapper(job_state->m_file, job_state->m_i);
mdelete(job_state, sizeof(FileState), "FileState");
delete job_state;
void BigFile::doneUnlinkWrapper(File *f, int32_t i) {
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "BEGIN" );
//unmark file for deletion since it already has
// finish the close
// one less
// otherwise, it's a more serious error i guess
if ( g_errno ) {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: doneUnlinkWrapper. unlink failed: %s", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, mstrerror(g_errno));
//@@@ BR: Why continue??
// . remove the part if it checks out
// . this will also close the file when it deletes it
File *fi = getFile2(i);
if ( f == fi ) {
removePart ( i );
} else {
log(LOG_ERROR, "%s:%s:%d: doneUnlinkWrapper. unlink had bad file ptr.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ );
if(incrementUnlinkJobsFinished()) {
// . all done, call the main callback
// . this is NULL if we were not called in a thread
if ( m_callback ) {
m_callback ( m_state );
logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceBigFile, "END" );
void BigFile::removePart ( int32_t i ) {
//File *f = getFile2(i);
File **filePtrs = (File **)m_filePtrsBuf.getBufStart();
File *f = filePtrs[i];
// . thread should have stored the filename for unlinking
// . now delete it from memory
mdelete(f, sizeof(File), "BigFile");
delete (f);
// and clear from our table
filePtrs[i] = NULL;
// we have one less part
// max part num may be different
if ( m_maxParts != i+1 ) return;
// set m_maxParts
int32_t j;
for ( j = i ; j >= 0 ; j-- ) {
File *fj = filePtrs[j];
if ( fj ) { m_maxParts = j+1; break; }
// may have no more part files left which means no max part num
if ( j < 0 ) m_maxParts = 0;
// used by RdbMap after reading in during start up, we don't want to waste
// all the fds, but we can't call BigFile::close() because then RdbMap::unlink
// doesn't work.
bool BigFile::closeFds ( ) {
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_maxParts ; i++ ) {
File *f = getFile2(i);
if ( ! f ) continue;
return true;
bool BigFile::close ( ) {
// do not double call this
if ( m_isClosing ) return true;
// this end up being called again through a sequence of like 20
// subroutines, so put a stop to that circle
m_isClosing = true;
File **filePtrs = (File **)m_filePtrsBuf.getBufStart();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_maxParts ; i++ ) {
File *f = filePtrs[i];
if ( ! f ) continue;
// remove from our array of File ptrs
filePtrs[i] = NULL;
// the destructor calls close, no need to call here
// otherwise, delete as we normally would
mdelete ( f , sizeof(File) , "BigFile" );
delete ( f );
m_numParts = 0;
m_maxParts = 0;
// remove all queued threads that point to us that have not
// yet been launched
return true;