Ivan Skytte Jørgensen beeddcf35d Got rid of gb-include.h
2018-07-26 17:29:51 +02:00

653 lines
14 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#include "Pos.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include "XmlNode.h"
#include "Sections.h"
#include "TitleSummaryCodepointFilter.h"
#include "Conf.h"
#include "Mem.h"
#include "Errno.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "utf8_fast.h"
Pos::Pos() {
m_buf = NULL;
m_needsFree = false;
m_pos = NULL;
m_bufSize = 0;
memset(m_localBuf, 0, sizeof(m_localBuf));
Pos::~Pos () {
void Pos::reset() {
if ( m_buf && m_needsFree )
mfree ( m_buf , m_bufSize , "Pos" );
m_buf = NULL;
static bool inTag( nodeid_t tagId, nodeid_t expectedTagId, int *count ) {
if ( !count ) {
return false;
if ( tagId == expectedTagId ) {
++( *count );
if ( *count ) {
// back tag
if ( ( tagId & BACKBITCOMP ) == expectedTagId ) {
--( *count );
return ( *count > 0 );
unsigned Pos::filter( const TokenizerResult *tr, int32_t a, int32_t b, bool addEllipsis, char *f, char *fend, int32_t version ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "BEGIN");
// save start point for filtering
char *fstart = f;
// -1 is the default value
if ( b == -1 ) {
b = tr->size();
bool trunc = false;
static const int32_t maxCharSize = 4; // we are utf8
char* prevChar = NULL;
char* lastBreak = NULL;
char* lastBreakPrevChar = NULL; // store char before space
// flag for stopping back-to-back spaces. only count those as one char.
bool lastSpace = false;
int inBadTags = 0;
int capCount = 0;
const char *lastPunct = NULL;
unsigned char lastPunctSize = 0;
int samePunctCount = 0;
int dotCount = 0; // store last encountered total consecutive dots
char* dotPrevChar = NULL; // store char before dot which is not a space
const char* entityPos[32];
int32_t entityLen[32];
char entityChar[32];
int32_t entityCount = 0;
// we need to decode HTML entities for version above 122 because we stop decoding
// & > < to avoid losing information
if (version >= 122) { // TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION
int32_t maxWord = b;
if ((unsigned)maxWord == tr->size()) {
maxWord -= 1;
const char *pos = (*tr)[a].token_start;
const char *endPos = (*tr)[maxWord].token_end();
for ( ; ( pos + 3 ) < endPos; ++pos ) {
if (*pos == '&') {
if (*(pos + 3) == ';') {
if (*(pos + 2) == 't') {
char c = *(pos + 1);
if ( c == 'g' || c == 'l' ) {
// &gt; / &lt;
entityPos[entityCount] = pos;
entityLen[entityCount] = 4;
if ( c == 'g' ) {
entityChar[entityCount] = '>';
} else {
entityChar[entityCount] = '<';
} else if ((pos + 4 < endPos) && *(pos + 4) == ';') {
if (*(pos + 1) == 'a' && *(pos + 2) == 'm' && *(pos + 3) == 'p') {
// &amp;
entityPos[entityCount] = pos;
entityLen[entityCount] = 5;
entityChar[entityCount] = '&';
// make sure we don't overflow
if (entityCount >= 32) {
int32_t currentEntityPos = 0;
for ( int32_t i = a ; i < b ; ++i ) {
if (trunc) {
// is tag?
nodeid_t tid = (*tr)[i].nodeid;
if ( tid ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "tags");
// let's not get from bad tags
if ( inTag( tid, TAG_STYLE, &inBadTags ) ) {
if ( inTag( tid, TAG_SCRIPT, &inBadTags ) ) {
// if not breaking, does nothing
if ( !g_nodes[tid & 0x7f].m_isBreaking ) {
// list tag? <li>
if ( tid == TAG_LI ) {
if ( ( fend - f > maxCharSize ) ) {
*f++ = '*';
// counted as caps because we're detecting all caps for a sentence
} else {
trunc = true;
lastSpace = false;
// if had a previous breaking tag and no non-tag
// word after it, do not count back-to-back spaces
if ( lastSpace ) {
// if had a br tag count it as a '.'
if ( tid ) { // <br>
if ( f != fstart ) {
if ( ( fend - f > 2 * maxCharSize ) ) {
if ( prevChar && is_ascii(*prevChar) && (*prevChar != '.') ) {
*f++ = '.';
// counted as caps because we're detecting all caps for a sentence
*f++ = ' ';
} else {
trunc = true;
lastSpace = true;
if ( ( fend - f > maxCharSize ) ) {
*f++ = ' ';
} else {
trunc = true;
// do not allow back-to-back spaces
lastSpace = true;
// scan through all chars discounting back-to-back spaces
unsigned char cs = 0;
const char *p = (*tr)[i].token_start;
const char *pend = (*tr)[i].token_end();
const char *currentEntity = NULL;
int32_t currentEntityLen = 0;
char currentEntityChar = '\0';
const char *nextEntity = NULL;
int32_t nextEntityLen = 0;
char nextEntityChar = '\0';
bool hasEntity = false;
while (currentEntityPos < entityCount) {
currentEntity = entityPos[currentEntityPos];
currentEntityLen = entityLen[currentEntityPos];
currentEntityChar = entityChar[currentEntityPos];
if ( currentEntityPos + 1 < entityCount ) {
nextEntity = entityPos[currentEntityPos + 1];
nextEntityLen = entityLen[currentEntityPos + 1];
nextEntityChar = entityChar[currentEntityPos + 1];
if ( p <= currentEntity || p <= (currentEntity + currentEntityLen) ) {
hasEntity = true;
} else {
if (p > currentEntity) {
} else {
/// @todo ALC configurable maxSamePunctCount so we can tweak this as needed
const int maxSamePunctCount = 5;
char *lastEllipsis = NULL;
// assume filters out to the same # of chars
for ( ; p < pend; p += cs ) {
// get size
cs = getUtf8CharSize(p);
// skip entity
if ( hasEntity ) {
if (p >= currentEntity && p < (currentEntity + currentEntityLen)) {
if (p == currentEntity) {
*f++ = currentEntityChar;
lastSpace = false;
if (nextEntity && p >= nextEntity && p < (nextEntity + nextEntityLen)) {
if (p == nextEntity) {
*f++ = nextEntityChar;
lastSpace = false;
// skip unwanted character
if ( isUtf8UnwantedSymbols( p ) ) {
bool resetPunctCount = true;
if (is_punct_utf8(p) && !is_wspace_utf8(p)) {
if ( ( cs == lastPunctSize) && ( memcmp(lastPunct, p, cs) == 0 ) ) {
resetPunctCount = false;
if ( resetPunctCount ) {
if (samePunctCount >= maxSamePunctCount) {
f -= (maxSamePunctCount);
bool addEllipsis = false;
if ( lastEllipsis ) {
// if all from f to last ellipsis are punctuation, skip to last ellipsis
for ( char *c = lastEllipsis + 1; c < f; ++c) {
if ( is_alnum_utf8( c ) ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "addEllipsis=true");
addEllipsis = true;
if ( !addEllipsis ) {
f = lastEllipsis;
} else {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "addEllipsis=true");
addEllipsis = true;
if (addEllipsis) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "addEllipsis");
if ( f != fstart && *(f - 1) != ' ' ) {
*f++ = ' ';
lastSpace = true;
memcpy ( f, "\342\200\246 ", 4 ); //horizontal ellipsis, code point 0x2026
f += 4;
lastEllipsis = f;
lastPunct = p;
lastPunctSize = cs;
samePunctCount = 0;
if ( samePunctCount >= maxSamePunctCount ) {
// do not count space if one before
if ( is_wspace_utf8 (p) ) {
if ( lastSpace ) {
lastSpace = true;
if ( fend - f > 1 ) {
lastBreakPrevChar = prevChar;
// don't store lastBreak if we have less than ellipsis length ' ...'
if ( fend - f > 4 ) {
lastBreak = f;
*f++ = ' ';
// counted as caps because we're detecting all caps for a sentence
dotCount = 0;
// we don't store space as dotPreviousChar because we want to strip ' ...' as well
} else {
trunc = true;
if ( fend - f > cs ) {
prevChar = f;
if ( cs == 1 ) {
// we only do it for ascii to avoid catering for different rules in different languages
// eg:
// The Greek upper-case letter "Σ" has two different lower-case forms:
// "ς" in word-final position and "σ" elsewhere
if ( !is_alpha_a( *p ) || is_upper_a( *p ) ) {
// non-alpha is counted as caps as well because we're detecting all caps for a sentence
// and comma/quotes/etc. is included
// some sites try to be smart and truncate for us, let's remove that
// if if there are no space between dots and letter
if ( *p == '.' ) {
} else {
dotCount = 0;
dotPrevChar = f;
*f++ = *p;
} else {
dotCount = 0;
dotPrevChar = f;
memcpy( f, p, cs );
f += cs;
} else {
trunc = true;
lastSpace = false;
/// @todo ALC simplify logic/break into smaller functions
/// @todo ALC configurable minCapCount so we can tweak this as needed
const int minCapCount = 5;
// only capitalize first letter in a word for a sentence with all caps
//TODO: assumes we want a us-centric title capitilization. There are other styles.
//FIXME: Assumes lowercasing a codepoint doesn't change its utf8-encoding length. This is not true (eg. Turkish U+0130 İ -> U+0069 i)
if ( capCount > minCapCount && capCount == ( f - fstart ) ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "all caps");
bool isFirstLetter = true;
unsigned char cs = 0;
for ( char *c = fstart; c < f; c += cs ) {
cs = getUtf8CharSize(c);
bool isAlpha = is_alpha_utf8( c );
if ( isAlpha ) {
if (isFirstLetter) {
isFirstLetter = false;
} else {
// some hard coded punctuation that we don't want to treat as first letter
// eg: Program's instead of Program'S
if ( cs == 1 && *c == '\'' ) {
isFirstLetter = false;
} else {
isFirstLetter = true;
if ( !isFirstLetter ) {
to_lower_utf8(c, c);
//TODO: do titlecase on the first letter - don't leave it as uppercase
/// @todo ALC configurable minRemoveEllipsisLen so we can tweak this as needed
const int minRemoveEllipsisLen = 90;
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "len=%ld", (f - fstart));
// let's remove ellipsis (...) at the end
if ( (f - fstart) >= minRemoveEllipsisLen && dotCount == 3 ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "remove ellipsis");
if ( dotPrevChar ) {
if ( is_ascii3( *dotPrevChar ) ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "dotPrevChar=%c", *dotPrevChar);
switch ( *dotPrevChar ) {
case ',':
trunc = true;
lastBreak = dotPrevChar + 1;
case '!':
case '.':
trunc = false;
f = dotPrevChar + 1;
case ' ':
trunc = false;
if ( lastBreak ) {
f = lastBreak;
trunc = true;
if ( lastBreakPrevChar ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "lastBreakPrevChar=%c", *lastBreakPrevChar);
if ( is_ascii( *( lastBreakPrevChar ) ) ) {
switch ( *( lastBreakPrevChar ) ) {
case '!':
case '.':
trunc = false;
if (lastBreak) {
f = lastBreak;
} else {
trunc = true;
lastBreak = nullptr;
if ( trunc ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "trunc");
if ( lastBreak == NULL ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "END. Return 0");
return 0;
f = lastBreak;
/// @todo ALC we should cater ellipsis for different languages
if ( addEllipsis ) {
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "addEllipsis");
if ( (fend - f) > 4 ) {
memcpy ( f, " \342\200\246", 4 ); //horizontal ellipsis, code point 0x2026
f += 4;
// NULL terminate f
*f = '\0';
int bytesStored = static_cast<int>(f - fstart);
logTrace(g_conf.m_logTracePos, "END. Return %d", bytesStored);
return bytesStored;
bool Pos::set(const TokenizerResult *tr, int32_t a, int32_t b) {
// free m_buf in case this is a second call
int32_t nw = tr->size();
// -1 is the default value
if ( b == -1 ) {
b = nw;
// alloc array if need to
int32_t need = (nw+1) * 4;
// do not destroy m_pos/m_numWords if only filtering into a buffer
m_needsFree = false;
m_buf = m_localBuf;
if ( need > POS_LOCALBUFSIZE ) {
m_buf = (char *)mmalloc(need,"Pos");
m_needsFree = true;
// bail on error
if ( ! m_buf ) {
return false;
m_bufSize = need;
m_pos = (int32_t *)m_buf;
// this is the CHARACTER count.
int32_t pos = 0;
// flag for stopping back-to-back spaces. only count those as one char.
bool lastSpace = false;
for ( int32_t i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
// set pos for the ith word to "pos"
m_pos[i] = pos;
nodeid_t tid = (*tr)[i].nodeid;
// is tag?
if ( tid ) {
// if not breaking, does nothing
if ( !g_nodes[tid & 0x7f].m_isBreaking ) {
// list tag? <li>
if ( tid == TAG_LI ) {
lastSpace = false;
// if had a previous breaking tag and no non-tag
// word after it, do not count back-to-back spaces
if ( lastSpace ) {
// if had a br tag count it as a '. '
if ( tid ) { // <br>
pos += 2;
lastSpace = true;
// count as a single space
// do not allow back-to-back spaces
lastSpace = true;
// scan through all chars discounting back-to-back spaces
const char *wp = (*tr)[i].token_start;
const char *pend = wp + (*tr)[i].token_len;
unsigned char cs = 0;
// assume filters out to the same # of chars
for ( const char *p = wp; p < pend; p += cs ) {
// get size
cs = getUtf8CharSize(p);
// do not count space if one before
if ( is_wspace_utf8 (p) ) {
if ( lastSpace ) {
lastSpace = true;
lastSpace = false;
// set pos for the END of the last word here
m_pos[nw] = pos;
return true;