mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:01:11 -04:00
1046 lines
37 KiB
1046 lines
37 KiB
// http://www.propeciauk.co.uk/links.htm
// http://www.hendersonvillehomepro.com/FavoriteLinks/Default.aspx
// http://www.viacreme-viacream-viagra.com/health/pharmacies.htm
// are the same description for viagrapunch.com. why did they not cancel?
#include "linkspam.h"
#include "Url.h"
#include "Linkdb.h"
#include "Xml.h"
#include "matches2.h"
#include "fctypes.h"
#include "utf8_fast.h"
static bool isLinkChain ( Xml *xml, const Url *linker, const Url *linkee, int32_t linkNode,
const char **note ) ;
// . here's some additional things to mark it as a log page, but these
// depend on the content of the page, not the url itself.
// . fields: string, stringLen, id, section?
// . section is "1" if the substring identifies the start of a comment
// section, so that any links above that identifier should be
// consider good, and any below, should be considered bad links.
// Otherwise, if section is 0, if the match occurs anywhere on the
// page then all links on the page should be considered bad.
static const Needle s_needles1[] = {
{"open.thumbshots.org" , 0 , 0 } ,
//{"google-ad" , 0 , 0 } ,
// indicates search results page
// this often directly precedes the comment section
{"[trackback" , 1 , 1 } ,
{"class=\"comtext" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"class=\"comment" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"class=\"coment" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"class=\"trackback" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"class=\"ping" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"class=\"followup" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"class=\"response" , 8 , 1 } ,
// this can signify a blog entry, not just a comment
//{"class=\"entry" , 8 , 1 } ,
// these seem to be more indicative of posted comments
{"class=\"posted" , 8 , 1 },
{"id=\"posted" , 8 , 1 },
{"name=\"posted" , 8 , 1 },
// annoying little textbox thingy
{"class=\"shoutbox" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"id=\"comment" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"id=\"coment" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"id=\"trackback" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"id=\"ping" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"id=\"followup" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"id=\"response" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"name=\"comment" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"name=\"coment" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"name=\"trackback" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"name=\"ping" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"name=\"followup" , 8 , 1 } ,
{"name=\"response" , 8 , 1 } ,
// a lot of the comment boards can be identified because
// they have a bunch of mailto links, one before each comment
//{"href=\"mailto" , 8 , 1 },
//{"href=mailto" , 8 , 1 },
// wikipedias
{"div class=\"editsection" , 10, 1 } ,
{"action=edit" , 10, 1 } ,
// message boards
{"anonymous user" , 10, 1 } ,
{"anonymer user" , 10, 1 } ,
{"date posted" , 10, 1 } ,
{"post your notice" , 10, 1 } ,
{"edit this page" , 10, 1 } ,
// edit</a><br>
{"edit<a]br" , 10, 1 } ,
// link to edit a comment
{">edit</a" , 10, 1 } ,
// these often indicate blog entries, not just comments
//{"postedon" , 10, 1 },
//{"posted by " , 10, 1 },
//{"posted at " , 10, 1 },
{"reply with quote" , 9 , 0 } ,
{">post a reply" , 10, 0 } ,
{"post reply" , 10, 0 } ,
{"submit post" , 10, 0 } ,
{">post message" , 10, 0 } ,
{">post a comment" , 10, 0 } ,
{">leave a comment" , 10, 0 } ,
{">post comments" , 10, 0 } ,
// Comments</font> (0) after each posted entry...
//{">comments<" , 10, 1 } ,
{"comments: <" , 10, 1 } ,
{"comments:<" , 10, 1 } ,
//{"comment:" , 10, 1 } ,
{"reacties:" , 10, 1 } ,
{"comentarios:" , 10, 1 } ,
{"comentários:" , 10, 1 } ,
{">message:" , 10, 0 } ,
{">mensagem:" , 10, 0 } ,
{">faca seu comentario" , 10, 0 } ,
{">faça seu comentário" , 10, 0 } ,
// comment add in german
{">Kommentar hinzuf" , 10, 0 } ,
{"rate this link" , 10, 0 } ,
{"link submit" , 10, 0 } ,
{"links directory" , 10, 0 } ,
{">add my comment" , 10, 0 } ,
// title of the text area box
{">your comment" , 10, 0 } ,
{"your comment<" , 10, 0 } ,
{">comment by" , 10, 1 } ,
{">scrivi un commento" , 10, 0 } ,
{">scrivi il tuo commento" , 10, 0 } ,
{"add comment" , 10, 0 } ,
{"trackbacks for the art" , 12, 1 } ,
{"these trackbacks have been re", 13, 1 } ,
{"trackback pings" , 13, 1 } ,
{"read the rest of this com" , 13, 1 } ,
// that was the opinion of ...
{"das war die meinung von" , 13, 1 } ,
{"resource partner" , 49, 0 } ,
{"partner link" , 50, 0 } ,
{"partner site" , 51, 0 } ,
{"sign the guestbook" , 43, 0 } ,
//{"add new comment" , 14, 0 },
//{"add message" , 14, 0 },
// tagboard software allows free submits. it has this in
// an html comment tag...
{"2002 natali ardianto" , 14, 0 } ,
// guestbooks
{"guestbook</title" , 13, 0 } ,
{"gastenboek</title" , 13, 0 } ,
// link management software puts a search box on there
{"search our links" , 14, 0 } ,
{"find all words option" , 14, 0 } ,
// link exchange indicators
{"link you want to share" , 14, 0 } ,
{"link trader" , 14, 0 } ,
{"link exchange" , 15, 0 } ,
{"link partner" , 16, 0 } ,
{"link xchange" , 17, 0 } ,
{"link swap" , 18, 0 } ,
{"links trader" , 19, 0 } ,
{"links exchange" , 20, 0 } ,
{"links partner" , 21, 0 } ,
{"links xchange" , 22, 0 } ,
{"links swap" , 23, 0 } ,
{"list your site" , 26, 0 } ,
{"add your web site" , 24, 0 } ,
{"add your website" , 25, 0 } ,
{"add your site" , 26, 0 } ,
{"add your link" , 27, 0 } ,
{"add your url" , 28, 0 } ,
{"add site" , 28, 0 } ,
// email the webmaster to have your link on this page
{"have your link" , 28, 0 } ,
{"add a web site" , 29, 0 } ,
{"add a website" , 30, 0 } ,
{"add a site" , 31, 0 } ,
{"add a link" , 32, 0 } ,
{"add a url" , 33, 0 } ,
{"adding your web site" , 34, 0 } ,
{"adding your website" , 35, 0 } ,
{"adding your site" , 36, 0 } ,
{"adding your link" , 37, 0 } ,
{"adding your url" , 38, 0 } ,
{"adding a web site" , 39, 0 } ,
{"adding a website" , 40, 0 } ,
{"adding a site" , 41, 0 } ,
{"adding a link" , 42, 0 } ,
{"adding a url" , 43, 0 } ,
{"add url" , 43, 0 } ,
{"add resource" , 43, 0 } ,
{"add link" , 43, 0 } ,
{"add free link" , 43, 0 } ,
{"addlink" , 43, 0 } ,
{"suggest a site" , 43, 0 } ,
{"swap links" , 43, 0 } ,
{"considered for addition" , 43, 0 } ,
{"we are not affiliated" , 43, 0 } ,
{"have a site to add" , 43, 0 } ,
{"submit your web site" , 34, 0 } ,
{"submit your website" , 35, 0 } ,
{"submit your site" , 36, 0 } ,
{"submit your link" , 37, 0 } ,
{"submit your url" , 38, 0 } ,
{"submit a web site" , 39, 0 } ,
{"submit a website" , 40, 0 } ,
{"submit a site" , 41, 0 } ,
{"submit a link" , 42, 0 } ,
{"submit link" , 42, 0 } ,
{"submit a url" , 43, 0 } ,
// . article spammers using article-emporium.com, etc.
// . these articles get circulated into regular websites
{"submit your article" , 43, 0 } ,
{"submit articles" , 43, 0 } ,
{"submit an article" , 43, 0 } ,
{"for any feedback contact" , 43, 0 } ,
{"for any feedback mail" , 43, 0 } ,
{"for any feedback email" , 43, 0 } ,
{"other articles that might" , 43, 0 } ,
{"is a freelance" , 43, 0 } ,
{"author is an amateur" , 43, 0 } ,
{"article source" , 43, 0 } ,
{"word count:" , 43, 0 } ,
{"for additional information on", 43, 1 } ,
{"for more information on" , 43, 1 } ,
{"for further assistance visit" , 43, 1 } ,
{"article submitted on" , 43, 0 } ,
{"please rate this" , 43, 0 } ,
{"rate the article" , 43, 0 } ,
//{"how would you rate" , 43, 0 } ,
{"add rating" , 43, 0 } ,
{"trade text link" , 44, 0 } ,
{"trade link" , 45, 0 } ,
{"exchange link" , 46, 0 } ,
{"exchanging link" , 47, 0 } ,
{"reciprocal link" , 48, 0 } ,
// new stuff
{">sponsors<" , 48, 0 } ,
{">sponsor<" , 48, 0 } ,
{">sponsored<" , 48, 0 } ,
{">submit site<" , 48, 0 } ,
{": sponsor" , 48, 0 } ,
{"/sponsor/" , 48, 0 } ,
{"*sponsors*" , 48, 0 } ,
{">payperpost" , 48, 0 } ,
{"sponsored post" , 48, 0 } ,
{"sponsored flag" , 48, 0 } ,
{"sponsoredflag" , 48, 0 } ,
{"sponsored listing" , 48, 1 } ,
{"sponsored link" , 48, 1 } ,
{"post is sponsor" , 48, 0 } ,
{"paid post" , 48, 0 } ,
{"powered by" , 48, 0 } , // wordpress
{"suggest your website" , 48, 0 } ,
{"advertisement:" , 48, 1 }
static constexpr int32_t numNeedles1 = sizeof(s_needles1)/sizeof(Needle);
// now check outlinks on the page for these substrings
static const Needle s_needles2[] = {
{"cyber-robotics.com" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"cyberspacehq.com" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"links4trade.com" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"searchfeed.com" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"marketnex.com" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"partnersignup" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"publisher-network" , 0 , 0 } ,
//{"amazon.com" , 0 , 0 } ,
//{"dmoz.org" , 0 , 0 } ,
//{"dmoz.com" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"linksmanager" , 0 , 0 } ,
{"changinglinks" , 0 , 0 }
static constexpr int32_t numNeedles2 = sizeof(s_needles2)/sizeof(Needle);
//Check if a path is likely to contain uncontrolled links
//Eg. guestbooks, blog comments, link-trade, etc. There is nothing from with them per see
//but often a lot of them are unmonitored/unmoderated and link spammers insert links in them.
static bool isLinkfulPath(const char *path, size_t pathLen, const char **note) {
return false;
if(strncasestr(path,"guest",pathLen,5)) {
*note = "path has guest";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"cgi",pathLen,3)) {
*note = "path has cgi";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"gast",pathLen,4)) { // german
*note = "path has gast";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"gaest",pathLen,5)) { //danish
*note = "path has gaest";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"gbook",pathLen,5)) {
*note = "path has gbook";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"akobook",pathLen,7)) { // vietnamese?
*note = "path has akobook";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"/gb",pathLen,3)) {
*note = "path has /gb";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"msg",pathLen,3 )) {
*note = "path has msg";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"messag",pathLen,6)) {
*note = "path has messag";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"board",pathLen,5)) {
*note = "path has board";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"coment",pathLen,6)) {
*note = "path has coment";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"comment",pathLen,7)) {
*note = "path has comment";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"linktrader",pathLen,10)) {
*note = "path has linktrader";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"tradelinks",pathLen,10)) {
*note = "path has tradelinks";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"trade-links",pathLen,11)) {
*note = "path has trade-links";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"linkexchange",pathLen,12)) {
*note = "path has linkexchange";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"link-exchange",pathLen,13)) {
*note = "path has link-exchange";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"reciprocal-link",pathLen,15)) {
*note = "path has reciprocal-link";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"reciprocallink",pathLen,14)) {
*note = "path has reciprocallink";
return true;
} else if(strncasestr(path,"/trackbacks/",pathLen,12)) {
*note = "path has /trackbacks/";
return true;
return false;
//Check if the document looks like a web statistics page
static bool isWebstatisticsPage(const Xml *xml) {
// does title contain "web statistics for"?
int32_t titleLen;
const char *title = xml->getString("title", &titleLen);
if(title && titleLen > 0) {
// normalize title into buffer, remove non alnum chars
char buf[256];
char *dst = buf;
char *dstEnd = buf + 250;
const char *src = title;
const char *srcEnd = title + titleLen;
while(dst < dstEnd && src < srcEnd) {
// remove punct
if(is_alnum_a(*src) )
*dst++ = to_lower_a(*src);
*dst = '\0';
// see if it matches some catch phrases
bool val = false;
if ( strstr (buf,"webstatisticsfor" )) val = true;
if ( strstr (buf,"webserverstatisticsfor")) val = true;
else if ( strstr (buf,"usagestatisticsfor" )) val = true;
else if ( strstr (buf,"siteusageby" )) val = true;
else if ( strstr (buf,"surfstatsloganal" )) val = true;
else if ( strstr (buf,"webstarterhelpstats" )) val = true;
else if ( strstr (buf,"sitestatistics" )) val = true;
return val;
return false;
// . we set the bit in linkdb for a doc if this returns true
// . it precludes a doc from voting if its bits is set in linkdb
// . this saves resources
// . the isLinkSpam() function is used when we have the linkee url
// . note is only set if the whole doc can not vote for some reason
// . otherwise, each outlink in "links" is assigned a "note" to indicate if
// the outlink is a spam link or not
// . returns true on success, false on error
bool setLinkSpam (const Url *linker ,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
Xml *xml ,
Links *links ,
bool isContentTruncated ) {
// if the doc got truncated we may be missing valuable identifiers
// that identify the doc as a guestbook or something
if ( isContentTruncated ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("doc too big");
return true;
// get linker quality
//int32_t q = tr->getDocQuality();
// do not allow .info or .biz to vote ever for now
const char *tld = linker->getTLD();
int32_t tldLen = linker->getTLDLen();
if ( tldLen == 4 && strncmp ( tld, "info" , tldLen) == 0 && //q < 55 )
siteNumInlinks < 20 ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("low quality .info linker");
return true;
if ( tldLen == 3 && strncmp ( tld, "biz" , tldLen) == 0 && //q < 55 )
siteNumInlinks < 20 ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("low quality .biz linker");
return true;
// guestbook in hostname - domain?
const char *hd = linker->getHost();
const char *hd2 = linker->getDomain();
int32_t hdlen = hd2 - hd;
if ( hd && hd2 && hdlen < 30 ) {
bool hasIt = false;
if ( strnstr ( hd , "guestbook", hdlen ) ) hasIt = true;
if ( hasIt ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("guestbook in hostname");
return true;
// do not allow any cgi url to vote
if ( linker->isCgi() ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("path is cgi");
return true;
// if the page has just one rel=nofollow tag then we know they
// are not a guestbook
//if ( links->hasRelNoFollow() ) plen = 0;
const char *note = NULL;
if(isLinkfulPath(linker->getPath(),linker->getPathLen(),¬e)) {
return true;
// does title contain "web statistics for"?
if(isWebstatisticsPage(xml)) {
links->setAllSpamBits("stats page");
return true;
// check content for certain keywords and phrases
const char *haystack = xml->getContent();
int32_t haystackSize = xml->getContentLen();
// do not call them "bad links" if our link occurs before any
// comment section. our link's position therefore needs to be known,
// that is why we pass in linkPos.
// "n" is the number it matches.
NeedleMatch needleMatches1[numNeedles1];
bool hadPreMatch;
getMatches2(s_needles1, needleMatches1, numNeedles1, haystack, haystackSize, NULL, &hadPreMatch);
// see if we got a hit
char *minPtr = NULL;
note = NULL;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numNeedles1 ; i++ ) {
// open.thumbshots.org needs multiple counts
if ( i == 0 && needleMatches1[i].m_count < 5 ) continue;
// skip if no matches on this string
if ( needleMatches1[i].m_count <= 0 ) continue;
// ok, if it had its section bit set to 0 that means the
// whole page is link spam!
if ( s_needles1[i].m_isSection == 0 ) {
links->setAllSpamBits(s_needles1[i].m_string );
return true;
// get the char ptr
char *ptr = needleMatches1[i].m_firstMatch;
// set to the min
if ( ! minPtr || ptr < minPtr ) {
note = s_needles1[i].m_string;
minPtr = ptr;
// convert the char ptr into a link node following it
int32_t aa = 0;
if ( minPtr ) aa = links->getNumLinks();
int32_t mini = -1;
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < aa ; i++ ) {
// get the link's char ptr into the content
int32_t linkNode = links->getNodeNum(i);
char *linkPos = NULL;
if ( linkNode >= 0 ) linkPos = xml->getNode ( linkNode );
// now we can compare, if BEFORE this comment section
// indicating tag, we are NOT link spam, so continue
if ( linkPos < minPtr ) continue;
// otherwise, we are the first, stop.
mini = i;
// now count all the links BELOW this match as link spam
// but everyone else is ok!
if ( minPtr && mini >= 0 )
links->setSpamBits ( note , mini );
// now check outlinks on the page for these substrings
haystack = links->getLinkBuf();
haystackSize = links->getLinkBufLen();
NeedleMatch needleMatches2[numNeedles2];
getMatches2(s_needles2, needleMatches2, numNeedles2, haystack, haystackSize, NULL, NULL);
// see if we got a hit
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numNeedles2 ; i++ ) {
// skip if did not match
if ( needleMatches2[i].m_count <= 0 ) continue;
// the whole doc is considered link spam
return true;
// check for certain post tag, indicative of a comment-friendly blog
// <form method=post ... action=*comments*cgi-bin>
// <form method="post"
// action="http://www.mydomain.com/cgi-bin/mt-comments.cgi"
// name="comments_form" ...>
// <form method=POST
// action="http://peaceaction.org/wboard/wwwboard.cgi">
int32_t nn = xml->getNumNodes();
bool gotTextArea = false;
bool gotSubmit = false;
for ( int32_t i=0; i < nn ; i++ ) {
// <textarea> tags are bad... but only if we have not
// matched "track" or whatever from above... check for that
// if you uncommment this... otherwise you disable all blogs!
// Only do this check if we did match a comment related phrase
// in s_needles1[] BUT it was BEFORE our outlink. That
// basically means that we do *not* recognize the format of
// the comment page and so therefore need to be more
// restrictive about allowing this page to vote.
if ( ! hadPreMatch ) {
// is it a <textarea> tag?
if ( xml->getNodeId ( i ) == TAG_TEXTAREA )
gotTextArea = true;
// is it an <input> tag?
int32_t len = 0;
if ( xml->getNodeId ( i ) == TAG_INPUT &&
xml->getString(i,"submit",&len)) gotSubmit = true;
if ( xml->getNodeId ( i ) != TAG_FORM ) continue;
// get the method field of this base tag
int32_t slen;
char *s = (char *) xml->getString(i,"method",&slen);
// if not thee, skip it
if ( ! s || slen <= 0 ) continue;
// get the action url
s = (char *) xml->getString(i,"action",&slen);
if ( ! s || slen <= 0 ) continue;
char c = s[slen];
bool val = false;
// this is a bit too strong, but i'ev seen an action of
// "cgi-bin/mt-leaveone.cgi" so we can't rely on "mt-comment"
if ( strstr ( s , "comment" ) ) val = true;
else if ( strstr ( s , "/MT/" ) ) val = true;
else if ( strstr ( s , "/mt/" ) ) val = true;
// they can have these search boxes though
if ( val && strstr ( s , "/mt/mt-search" ) ) val = false;
s[slen] = c;
if ( val ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("post page");
return true;
if ( gotTextArea && gotSubmit ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("textarea tag");
return true;
// edu, gov, etc. can have link chains
if ( tldLen >= 3 && strncmp ( tld, "edu" , 3) == 0 ) return true;
if ( tldLen >= 3 && strncmp ( tld, "gov" , 3) == 0 ) return true;
// if linker is naughty, he cannot vote... how did he make it in?
if ( linker->isAdult() ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("linker is sporny");
return true;
// . if they link to any adult site, consider them link spam
// . just consider a 100 link radius around linkNode
int32_t nl = links->getNumLinks();
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < nl ; i++ ) {
// skip if this link is internal, we will add it to linkdb
// anyway... this will save us some processing time
if ( links->isInternalDom(i) ) continue;
// otherwise, normalize it...
Url uu;
uu.set( links->getLinkPtr( i ), links->getLinkLen( i ) );
// . is it near sporny links? (naughty domains or lotsa -'s)
// . if we are in a list of ads, chances are good the true
// nature of the ads will emerge...
if ( uu.isAdult() ) {
links->setAllSpamBits("has sporny outlinks");
log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: %s has sporny outlinks.",
return true;
// check if this url is a link chain
//if ( q >= 60 ) continue;
if ( siteNumInlinks >= 50 ) continue;
const char *np = NULL;
// get the xml node of link #i
int32_t xmlNode = links->getNodeNum ( i );
if ( isLinkChain ( xml , linker, &uu, xmlNode, &np ))
links->setSpamBit ( np , i );
return true;
bool isLinkSpam ( const Url *linker,
int32_t siteNumInlinks ,
Xml *xml,
Links *links ,
int32_t maxDocLen ,
const char **note ,
const Url *linkee ,
// node position of the linkee in the linker's content
int32_t linkNode ) {
// same host linkers can be link spam (TODO: make same ip block)
// because we only allow up to 10 to vote as a single voter
if ( linkee ) {
const char *h1 = linkee->getHost();
int32_t h1len = linkee->getHostLen();
const char *h2 = linker->getHost();
int32_t h2len = linker->getHostLen();
if ( h1len == h2len && strncmp ( h1 , h2 , h1len ) == 0 )
return false;
// do not allow .info or .biz to vote ever for now
const char *tld = linker->getTLD();
int32_t tldLen = linker->getTLDLen();
if ( tldLen == 4 && strncmp ( tld, "info" , tldLen) == 0 ) {
*note = ".info tld";
return true;
if ( tldLen == 3 && strncmp ( tld, "biz" , tldLen) == 0 ) {
*note = ".biz tld";
return true;
// i saw a german doc get its textarea cut out because of this, so
// we need this here
if ( xml && xml->getContentLen() > maxDocLen ) {
*note ="doc too big";
return true;
// guestbook in hostname - domain?
const char *hd = linker->getHost();
const char *hd2 = linker->getDomain();
int32_t hdlen = hd2 - hd;
if ( hd && hd2 && hdlen < 30 ) {
bool hasIt = false;
if ( strnstr ( hd , "guestbook", hdlen ) ) hasIt = true;
if ( hasIt ) {
*note = "guestbook in hostname";
return true;
// do not allow any cgi url to vote
if ( linker->isCgi() ) { *note = "path is cgi"; return true; }
return true;
if( !xml ) {
return false;
// does title contain "web statistics for"?
if(isWebstatisticsPage(xml)) {
*note = "stats page";
return true;
// check content for certain keywords and phrases
const char *haystack = xml->getContent();
int32_t haystackSize = xml->getContentLen();
char *linkPos = NULL;
if ( linkNode >= 0 ) linkPos = xml->getNode ( linkNode );
// do not call them "bad links" if our link occurs before any
// comment section. our link's position therefore needs to be known,
// that is why we pass in linkPos.
NeedleMatch needleMatches1[numNeedles1];
bool hadPreMatch;
getMatches2(s_needles1, needleMatches1, numNeedles1, haystack, haystackSize, linkPos, &hadPreMatch);
// see if we got a hit
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numNeedles1 ; i++ ) {
int32_t need = 1;
// open.thumbshots.org needs multiple counts
if ( i == 0 ) need = 5;
if ( needleMatches1[i].m_count < need ) continue;
*note = s_needles1[i].m_string;
return true;
// now check outlinks on the page for these substrings
haystack = links->getLinkBuf();
haystackSize = links->getLinkBufLen();
NeedleMatch needleMatches2[numNeedles2];
getMatches2(s_needles2, needleMatches2, numNeedles2, haystack, haystackSize, NULL, NULL);
// see if we got a hit
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < numNeedles2 ; i++ ) {
int32_t need = 1;
// open.thumbshots.org needs multiple counts
//if ( i == 9 ) need = 5;
if ( needleMatches2[i].m_count < need ) continue;
*note = s_needles2[i].m_string;
return true;
// check for certain post tag, indicative of a comment-friendly blog
// <form method=post ... action=*comments*cgi-bin>
// <form method="post"
// action="http://www.mydomain.com/cgi-bin/mt-comments.cgi"
// name="comments_form" ...>
// <form method=POST
// action="http://peaceaction.org/wboard/wwwboard.cgi">
int32_t nn = xml->getNumNodes();
bool gotTextArea = false;
bool gotSubmit = false;
for ( int32_t i=0; i < nn ; i++ ) {
// <textarea> tags are bad... but only if we have not
// matched "track" or whatever from above... check for that
// if you uncommment this... otherwise you disable all blogs!
// Only do this check if we did match a comment related phrase
// in s_needles1[] BUT it was BEFORE our outlink. That
// basically means that we do *not* recognize the format of
// the comment page and so therefore need to be more
// restrictive about allowing this page to vote.
if ( ! hadPreMatch ) {
// is it a <textarea> tag?
if ( xml->getNodeId ( i ) == TAG_TEXTAREA )
gotTextArea = true;
// is it an <input> tag?
int32_t len = 0;
if ( xml->getNodeId ( i ) == TAG_INPUT &&
xml->getString(i,"submit",&len)) gotSubmit = true;
if ( xml->getNodeId ( i ) != TAG_FORM ) continue;
// get the method field of this base tag
int32_t slen;
char *s = (char *) xml->getString(i,"method",&slen);
// if not thee, skip it
if ( ! s || slen <= 0 ) continue;
// get the action url
s = (char *) xml->getString(i,"action",&slen);
if ( ! s || slen <= 0 ) continue;
char c = s[slen];
bool val = false;
// this is a bit too strong, but i'ev seen an action of
// "cgi-bin/mt-leaveone.cgi" so we can't rely on "mt-comment"
if ( strstr ( s , "comment" ) ) val = true;
else if ( strstr ( s , "/MT/" ) ) val = true;
else if ( strstr ( s , "/mt/" ) ) val = true;
// they can have these search boxes though
if ( val && strstr ( s , "/mt/mt-search" ) ) val = false;
s[slen] = c;
if ( val ) { *note = "post page"; return true; }
if ( gotTextArea && gotSubmit ) {
*note = "textarea tag";
return true;
// edu, gov, etc. can have link chains
if ( tldLen >= 3 && strncmp ( tld, "edu" , 3) == 0 ) return false;
if ( tldLen >= 3 && strncmp ( tld, "gov" , 3) == 0 ) return false;
// if linker is naughty, he cannot vote
if ( linker->isAdult() )
return true;
// if being called from PageTitledb.cpp for displaying a titlerec,
// then do not call this, because no linkee is provided in that case.
if ( !linkee ) {
*note = "linkee not found";
return false;//true;
// . if they link to any adult site, consider them link spam
// . just consider a 100 link radius around linkNode
int32_t nl = links->getNumLinks();
// init these before the loop
int32_t hlen = linkee->getHostLen();
const char *host = linkee->getHost();
const char *uu = linkee->getUrl();
const char *uuend = host + hlen;
int32_t uulen = uuend - uu;
int32_t x = linkNode;
// return true right away if it is a link chain
if ( siteNumInlinks < 1000 &&
isLinkChain ( xml , linker, linkee , x , note ) )
return true;
// if no domain, that's it
if ( ! uu || uulen <= 0 ) return false;
// . see if this domain is linked to in other areas of the document.
// . if any of those areas are not link chains, then assume we are
// not a link chain
for ( x++ ; x < nl ; x++ ) {
char *link = links->getLinkPtr(x);
int32_t linkLen = links->getLinkLen(x);
if ( ! link ) continue;
if ( linkLen <= 0 ) continue;
if ( linkLen > uulen ) continue;
if ( strncmp ( link , uu , uulen ) != 0 ) continue;
// got a match, is it a link chain? if not, them we are not
goto loop;
return false;
// Criteria for being a link chain:
// 1. the "linkee" is in a chain of outlinks to external domains
// 2. all outlinks to the same hostname as "linkee" are in link chains
// 3. no plain text is present between "linkee" and one of the other
// outlinks in the chain
// 4. this might hurt blogrolls, and resource pages, but such links
// are kind of low quality anyway.
static bool isLinkChain ( Xml *xml, const Url *linker, const Url *linkee, int32_t linkNode, const char **note ) {
//log(LOG_DEBUG,"build: doing %s",linker->m_url);
// if the linkee is internal (by domain) then not a link chain
if ( linkee->getDomainLen() == linker->getDomainLen() &&
strncmp ( linkee->getDomain() , linker->getDomain(),linkee->getDomainLen())==0)
return false;
const char *linkPos = NULL;
if ( linkNode >= 0 ) linkPos = xml->getNode ( linkNode );
// did we have text to the left/right of this link and after/before
// the neighboring link? assume not.
bool leftText = false;
bool rightText = false;
// the links on the left and right
Url leftUrl;
Url rightUrl;
bool leftMalformed = false;
bool rightMalformed = false;
// these do not have constructors so we must reset them
int32_t i ;
// . see if we are alone in a table or not
// . table must occur before/after our left/right neighbor link
bool tableLeft = false;
bool tableRight = false;
// going backwards from linkNode we are not in a link
bool inLink = false;
// get the start of an anchor tag on our immediate left
for ( i = linkNode - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
// do not look too far
if ( linkPos - xml->getNode(i) >= 1500 ) break;
if ( linkNode - i >= 90 ) break;
// NOTE: if you add more tags to this list, then also add
// to Vector::setPairHashes() as well
// stop at <title> or </title> tags
if ( xml->getNodeId(i) == TAG_TITLE ) break;
// stop at <ul> or </ul> tags
// no, otherwise, these lists are always "link chain left"
//if ( xml->getNodeId(i) == TAG_UL ) break;
// stop at <table> or </table> tags
if ( xml->getNodeId(i) == TAG_TABLE ) {
if ( ! xml->isBackTag(i) ) tableLeft = true;
// check for *plain* text
if ( ! inLink && xml->getNodeId(i) == TAG_TEXTNODE ) {
// get the node as a string
char *p = xml->getNode(i);
char *pend = p + xml->getNodeLen(i);
// check for elipsis, that is a sign that we are a serp
for ( char *s = p ; s+2 < pend ; s++ ) {
//if ( is_alnum(*s) ) break;
if ( *s != '.' ) continue;
if ( *s != '.' ) continue;
if ( *s != '.' ) continue;
// ok, got it
*note = "search result right";
return true;
// if we already got text, but searching still for ...
if ( leftText ) continue;
// does it have alnum
if ( ! has_alpha_utf8 ( p , pend ) ) continue;
leftText = true;
// do not break yet, cont search for ellipsis!
// keep chugging if not an anchor tag, <a> or </a>
if ( xml->getNodeId(i) != TAG_A ) continue;
// if we are </a> then we are now in a link since we are moving
// backwards
if ( xml->isBackTag(i) ) { inLink = true; continue; }
// if we hit a forward tag and inLink was false... we had
// no corresponding back tag, so disconsider any text
if ( ! inLink ) rightText = false;
// no longer in an <a> tag
inLink = false;
// ok, get the url from this anchor tag
int32_t ulen = 0;
char *u = (char *) xml->getString ( i, "href", &ulen );
// if we did not get one, that means it could have been
// malformed... like the href had a quote right b4 it
if ( ulen == 0 ) leftMalformed = true;
// normalize
if ( ulen > 0 )
leftUrl.set( linker, u, ulen );
// . if NOT from the same domain, break out, otherwise continue
// . this helps us find the <table> tag in ad tables with
// multiple links to the same domain
// . this helps us accept a list of links to the same domain if
// there is left/right text, like the guy that had a list
// to 3 different gigablast.com links in a row with no
// text in between
if ( leftUrl.getDomainLen() != linkee->getDomainLen() )
if( strncmp(leftUrl.getDomain(), linkee->getDomain(), linkee->getDomainLen()) != 0 )
// we start off in link text, since linkNode is an <a> tag
inLink = true;
// now loop through all the nodes after us
for ( i = linkNode + 1 ; i < xml->getNumNodes() ; i++ ) {
// stop if we've gone too far
if ( xml->getNode(i) - linkPos >= 1580 ) break;
if ( i - linkNode >= 95 ) break;
// stop at <title> or </title> tags
if ( xml->getNodeId(i) == TAG_TITLE ) break;
// stop at <table> or </table> tags
if ( xml->getNodeId(i) == TAG_TABLE ) {
// note it for table ads
if ( xml->isBackTag(i) ) tableRight = true;
// check for *plain* text
if ( ! inLink && xml->getNodeId(i) == TAG_TEXTNODE ) {
// get the node as a string
char *p = xml->getNode(i);
char *pend = p + xml->getNodeLen(i);
// check for elipsis, that is a sign that we are a serp
for ( char *s = p ; s+2 < pend ; s++ ) {
//if ( is_alnum(*s) ) break;
if ( *s != '.' ) continue;
if ( *s != '.' ) continue;
if ( *s != '.' ) continue;
// ok, got it
*note = "search result right";
return true;
// if we already got text, but searching still for ...
if ( rightText ) continue;
// does it have alnum
if ( ! has_alpha_utf8 ( p , pend ) ) continue;
rightText = true;
// do not break yet, cont search for ellipsis!
// keep chugging if not an anchor tag, <a> or </a>
if ( xml->getNodeId(i) != TAG_A ) continue;
// skip if not a forward tag
if ( xml->isBackTag(i) ) { inLink = false; continue; }
// we are now in a link
inLink = true;
// stop text here
//stopTextScan = i;
// ok, get the url
int32_t ulen = 0;
char *u = (char *) xml->getString ( i, "href", &ulen );
// if we did not get one, that means it could have been
// malformed... like the href had a quote right b4 it
if ( ulen == 0 ) rightMalformed = true;
// normalize
if ( ulen > 0 )
rightUrl.set( linker, u, ulen );
// . if NOT from the same domain, break out, otherwise continue
// . this helps us find the <table> tag in ad tables with
// multiple links to the same domain
// . this helps us accept a list of links to the same domain if
// there is left/right text, like the guy that had a list
// to 3 different gigablast.com links in a row with no
// text in between
if ( rightUrl.getDomainLen() != linkee->getDomainLen() )
if ( strncmp(rightUrl.getDomain(), linkee->getDomain(), linkee->getDomainLen()) != 0 )
if ( tableLeft && tableRight ) {
*note = "ad table";
return true;
// if we had text on both sides of us, we are not a link chain
if ( leftText && rightText ) return false;
if ( ! leftText && rightText ) *note = "link chain left";
else if ( ! rightText && leftText ) *note = "link chain right";
else *note = "link chain middle";
return true;