38 lines
621 B
38 lines
621 B
; Simple 6502 Emulator test
; A = 2 + 2 (4)
lda #2
adc #2
; A -> X
; A = 0x22 + 0x10 + 1 (0x33)
lda #$22
sec ; Set the carry
adc #$10
; Some memory usage
sta $02 ; A -> MEM[0x02]
ldx $02 ; MEM[0x02] -> X
; Stack example
lda #$32; Load A with 0x32
pha ; Push 0x32 onto the stack
adc #1 ; Add one to A
pha ; Push 0x33 onto the stack
pla ; Pull 0x33 from the stack
pla ; Pull 0x32 from the stack
; Status stack usage
php ; Push the status reg. onto the stack
sec ; Set the carry flag
sei ; Set the interrupt flag
; Loop example
lda #3 ; Load A with 3
adc #1 ; Add one to A
cmp #5 ; Repeat while A < 5
bpl #19