2019-04-14 09:41:13 -04:00
< h3 > HTTP client settings </ h3 >
< p >
You can configure here some advanced settings of the clients used by YaCy to handle outgoing HTTP connections .
< p >
< p id = " sniExtensionInfo " >
About Server Name Indication ( SNI ) :
2022-04-07 10:33:16 -04:00
this extension to the < abbr title = " Transport Layer Security " > TLS </ abbr > protocol must be enabled to load some https URLs ( for websites deployed with different certificates and host names on the same shared IP address ), otherwise loading fails with errors such as < samp > Received fatal alert : handshake_failure </ samp >.
2019-04-18 08:23:00 -04:00
But it can be necessary to disable it in order to load some https URLs served by old and misconfigured web servers , otherwise loading fails with the exception < samp > javax . net . ssl . SSLProtocolException : " handshake alert: unrecognized_name " </ samp >.
Controlling < abbr title = " Server Name Indication " > SNI </ abbr > extension activation can also be done with the JVM option < var > jsse . enableSNIExtension </ var > , but in that case a server restart is required when you want to modify the setting and it is not customizable per http client ( general or for remote Solr ) .
2019-04-14 09:41:13 -04:00
</ p >
< form action = " SettingsAck_p.html " method = " post " enctype = " multipart/form-data " class = " form-horizontal " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " transactionToken " value = " #[transactionToken]# " />
< fieldset >
< legend > General HTTP client </ legend >
< p > Configuration settings for the main HTTP client , used notably to crawl websites and communicate with other YaCy peers .</ p >
< p class = " alert alert-info " role = " alert " >
SNI extension support can not be defined here as it is currently configured by the JVM option < code >- Djsse . enableSNIExtension = #[jvmSettingValue]#</code>.
</ p >
< div class = " form-group " >
< div class = " col-sm-4 " >
< div class = " checkbox " >
< label >
< input name = " http.outgoing.general.tls.sniExtension.enabled " id = " http.outgoing.general.tls.sniExtension.enabled "
type = " checkbox " #(http.outgoing.general.tls.sniExtension.enabled)#::checked="checked"#(/http.outgoing.general.tls.sniExtension.enabled)#
aria - describedby = " sniExtensionInfo " />
Enable < abbr title = " Server Name Indication " > SNI </ abbr > extension to < abbr title = " Transport Layer Security " > TLS </ abbr >
</ label >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< legend > Remote Solr HTTP client </ legend >
< p > Configuration settings for the specific HTTP client dedicated to communications with remote Solr servers ( located on other YaCy peers or eventually owned by this one when it is configured to use a remote Solr index ) .</ p >
< p class = " alert alert-info " role = " alert " >
SNI extension support can not be defined here as it is currently configured by the JVM option < code >- Djsse . enableSNIExtension = #[jvmSettingValue]#</code>.
</ p >
< div class = " form-group " >
< div class = " col-sm-4 " >
< div class = " checkbox " >
< label >
< input name = " http.outgoing.remoteSolr.tls.sniExtension.enabled " id = " http.outgoing.remoteSolr.tls.sniExtension.enabled "
type = " checkbox " #(http.outgoing.remoteSolr.tls.sniExtension.enabled)#::checked="checked"#(/http.outgoing.remoteSolr.tls.sniExtension.enabled)#
aria - describedby = " sniExtensionInfo " />
Enable < abbr title = " Server Name Indication " > SNI </ abbr > extension to < abbr title = " Transport Layer Security " > TLS </ abbr >
</ label >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ fieldset >
< div class = " col-sm-6 " >
< input type = " submit " class = " btn btn-primary " name = " httpClientSettings " value = " Submit " aria - describedby = " submitInfo " />
< em id = " submitInfo " > Changes will take effect immediately .</ em >
</ div >
2022-04-07 10:33:16 -04:00
</ form >