2017-09-13 02:16:29 -04:00
/ *
* Copyright ( C ) 2017 Jeremy Rand , Ryszard Goń , luccioman
* This file is part of YaCy .
* YaCy is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* YaCy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with YaCy . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
/ * F u n c t i o n s d e d i c a t e d t o ( r e ) s o r t Y a C y s e a r c h r e s u l t s i n t h e b r o w s e r ( c o n f i g u r a t i o n s e t t i n g : s e a r c h . j s r e s o r t = t r u e )
* See related style sheet env / yacysort . css * /
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
var itemCount = 0 ;
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
var currentPageNumber = 0 ;
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
2017-09-13 02:23:19 -04:00
/* Set to true to enable browser console log traces */
var logEnabled = false ;
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
/* Indicates if the results fetching from server is running */
var fetchingResults = true ;
/* Holds the last known navigators generation known from the server */
var lastNavGeneration = null ;
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
/ * *
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
* Refresh the results page , checking and eventually updating each result CSS class depending on its position .
* Important : resorting based on ranking must have been done before .
* @ param { Boolean } isPageChange when true this refresh is done in response to a page change
* @ param { Number } pageNumber the page number to display
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
* /
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
var displayPage = function ( isPageChange , pageNumber ) {
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
var offset = 1 ;
var totalcount = 0 ;
var itemscount = 0 ;
// For every search item that has already been displayed and sorted ...
$ ( "#resultscontainer" ) . find ( ".searchresults" ) . each ( function ( i ) {
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
var item = $ ( this ) ;
var isFresh = item . hasClass ( "fresh" ) ;
if ( isPageChange && isFresh ) {
/ * W h e n c h a n g i n g p a g e , r e m o v e t h e ' f r e s h ' m a r k f r o m a l l r e s u l t s ,
* so that the related insertion / removal animations are not performed * /
item . removeClass ( "fresh" ) ;
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
totalcount ++ ;
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
var earlierPage = i < ( pageNumber * requestedResults ) ;
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
// Apply the "earlierpage" class IFF the item is from an earlier page.
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
item . toggleClass ( "earlierpage" , earlierPage ) ;
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
if ( earlierPage ) {
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
item . removeClass ( "currentpage" ) ;
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
if ( isPageChange ) {
/* Use the "hidden" CSS class when changing page to hide it without unnecessary animation */
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
item . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
offset ++ ;
itemscount ++ ;
} else {
var laterPage = ( ( i - offset + 1 ) >= requestedResults ) ;
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
item . toggleClass ( "laterpage" , laterPage ) ;
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
// If we now have too many results, hide the lowest-ranking ones.
if ( laterPage ) {
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
item . removeClass ( "currentpage" ) ;
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
if ( isPageChange ) {
/* Use the "hidden" CSS class when changing page to hide it without unnecessary animation */
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
item . addClass ( "hidden" ) ;
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
} else {
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
item . removeClass ( "hidden" ) ;
item . addClass ( "currentpage" ) ;
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
itemscount ++ ;
} ) ;
// TODO: collected totalcount here seems to often be smaller than the "totalcount" that statistics() ends up with. Why is that?
// TODO: The following statistical displays could maybe be moved to the
// latestinfo() call.
2017-09-03 14:09:44 -04:00
$ ( "#offset" ) . html ( offset ) ;
$ ( "#itemscount" ) . html ( itemscount ) ;
2017-09-18 11:36:07 -04:00
var buttonsList = document . getElementById ( "paginationButtons" ) ;
if ( buttonsList != null ) {
renderPaginationButtons ( buttonsList , offset , requestedResults , totalcount , null , theLocalQuery , true ) ;
2017-09-03 14:09:44 -04:00
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
2017-09-13 02:23:19 -04:00
if ( logEnabled ) {
console . log ( "Showing results " + ( $ ( "#resultscontainer" ) . find ( ".searchresults.earlierpage" ) . length + 1 )
+ " - " + ( $ ( "#resultscontainer" ) . find ( ".searchresults.earlierpage" ) . length + requestedResults )
+ " out of " + $ ( "#resultscontainer" ) . find ( ".searchresults" ) . length + "; notEarlierPage = " + $ ( "#resultscontainer" ) . find ( ".searchresults:not(.earlierpage)" ) . length ) ;
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
} ;
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
/ * *
* Update the current page to the requested page number
* @ param { Number } pageNumber the requested page number ( starts at 0 )
* /
2017-04-02 23:18:16 -04:00
var numberedPage = function ( pageNumber ) {
// Find all items.
2017-09-03 13:34:48 -04:00
var allItems = $ ( "#resultscontainer" ) . find ( ".searchresults" ) ;
2017-04-02 23:18:16 -04:00
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
// Check if the pageNumber is too high before updating the currentPage
var checkedPageNumber ;
if ( allItems . length > 0 ) {
checkedPageNumber = Math . min ( pageNumber , Math . floor ( allItems . length / requestedResults ) ) ;
} else {
checkedPageNumber = 0 ;
2017-09-13 02:23:19 -04:00
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
var pageChange = currentPageNumber != checkedPageNumber ;
currentPageNumber = checkedPageNumber ;
2017-04-02 23:18:16 -04:00
// Update the display to show the new page.
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
displayPage ( pageChange , checkedPageNumber ) ;
2017-04-02 23:18:16 -04:00
} ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
var processSidebarNavProtocols = function ( navProtocolsOld , navProtocolsNew ) {
navProtocolsOld . find ( ".btn-group-xs" ) . each ( function ( index , oldProtocol ) {
var protocolId = $ ( oldProtocol ) . attr ( "id" ) ;
var newProtocol = navProtocolsNew . find ( "#" + protocolId ) ;
// Check whether the protocol has been removed in the new sidebar.
if ( newProtocol . length === 0 ) {
2017-09-13 02:23:19 -04:00
if ( logEnabled ) {
console . log ( "Deleting nav-protocol..." ) ;
$ ( oldProtocol ) . hide ( 1000 ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
} ) ;
navProtocolsNew . find ( ".btn-group-xs" ) . each ( function ( index , newProtocol ) {
var protocolId = $ ( newProtocol ) . attr ( "id" ) ;
var oldProtocol = navProtocolsOld . find ( "#" + protocolId ) ;
// Check whether the protocol exists in both the new and old sidebar
if ( oldProtocol . length === 1 ) {
// Replace the HTML.
// TODO: Look into smoother animations.
$ ( oldProtocol ) . html ( $ ( newProtocol ) . html ( ) ) . show ( 1000 ) ;
// Check whether the protocol has been added in the new sidebar.
if ( oldProtocol . length === 0 ) {
// We need to insert the protocol in the right position.
// TODO: Insert in the correct position instead of the end.
$ ( newProtocol ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( navProtocolsOld ) . append ( $ ( newProtocol ) ) ;
$ ( newProtocol ) . show ( 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2017-09-16 04:13:09 -04:00
/ * *
* Refresh a navigator list element with the "menugroup" class .
* @ param parentSidebar the parent navigators side bar currently displayed
* @ param listOld the old navigator list
* @ param listNew the new navigator list
* /
var processSidebarMenuGroup = function ( parentSidebar , listOld , listNew ) {
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
if ( $ ( listNew ) . length === 1 ) {
if ( $ ( listOld ) . length < 1 ) {
2017-09-16 04:13:09 -04:00
/* List old doesn't exist : insert it at the beginning of the list */
var allNavs = parentSidebar . find ( ".nav.nav-sidebar.menugroup" ) ;
if ( allNavs . length > 0 ) {
listNew . insertBefore ( allNavs [ 0 ] ) ;
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
return ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
var childrenOld = $ ( listOld ) . children ( "li" ) ;
if ( childrenOld . length >= 2 ) {
// There are at least 2 <li> elements in the list.
// The first one is the heading, so skip that one.
var childToCheck = childrenOld [ 1 ] ;
if ( $ ( childToCheck ) . css ( "display" ) == "block" ) {
// The list has been expanded by the user already.
// That means we need to expand the new list to match.
// If we don't do this, the new list will be collapsed every time we update,
// which would annoy the user.
$ ( listNew ) . children ( "li" ) . css ( "display" , "block" ) ;
// TODO: animate
listOld . html ( listNew . html ( ) ) ;
} ;
var processSidebar = function ( data ) {
var oldSidebar = $ ( "#sidebar" ) ;
var newSidebar = $ ( '<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-3 sidebar" id="sidebar">\n\n' + data + '\n\n</div>' ) ;
if ( oldSidebar . children ( ) . length === 0 ) {
2017-09-13 02:23:19 -04:00
if ( logEnabled ) {
console . log ( "Initializing sidebar..." ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
oldSidebar . html ( newSidebar . html ( ) ) ;
else {
2017-09-13 02:23:19 -04:00
if ( logEnabled ) {
console . log ( "Sidebar has changed, updating..." ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
var navProtocolsOld = $ ( "#nav-protocols" ) ;
var navProtocolsNew = newSidebar . find ( "#nav-protocols" ) ;
if ( navProtocolsNew . length === 1 ) {
processSidebarNavProtocols ( navProtocolsOld , navProtocolsNew ) ;
var tagCloudOld = $ ( "#tagcloud" ) ;
var tagCloudNew = newSidebar . find ( "#tagcloud" ) ;
if ( tagCloudNew . length === 1 ) {
// TODO: animate
tagCloudOld . html ( tagCloudNew . html ( ) ) ;
var catLocationOld = $ ( "#cat-location" ) ;
var catLocationNew = newSidebar . find ( "#cat-location" ) ;
if ( catLocationNew . length === 1 ) {
// TODO: animate
catLocationOld . html ( catLocationNew . html ( ) ) ;
// TODO: nav-dates
2017-09-16 04:13:09 -04:00
// hosts (AKA providers)
processSidebarMenuGroup ( oldSidebar , $ ( "#nav-hosts" ) , newSidebar . find ( "#nav-hosts" ) ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
2017-09-16 04:13:09 -04:00
processSidebarMenuGroup ( oldSidebar , $ ( "#nav-languages" ) , newSidebar . find ( "#nav-languages" ) ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
2017-09-16 04:13:09 -04:00
processSidebarMenuGroup ( oldSidebar , $ ( "#nav-authors" ) , newSidebar . find ( "#nav-authors" ) ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
2017-09-16 04:13:09 -04:00
processSidebarMenuGroup ( oldSidebar , $ ( "#nav-namespace" ) , newSidebar . find ( "#nav-namespace" ) ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
2017-09-16 04:13:09 -04:00
processSidebarMenuGroup ( oldSidebar , $ ( "#nav-filetype" ) , newSidebar . find ( "#nav-filetype" ) ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
// TODO: navs
// TODO: nav-vocabulary
// TODO: nav-about
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
/* Store the new nav-generation data attribute if provided */
var navGenerationHolder = $ ( "#rankingButtons" ) ;
if ( navGenerationHolder . length > 0 ) {
var newNavGenerationHolder = newSidebar . find ( "#rankingButtons" ) ;
if ( newNavGenerationHolder . length > 0 ) {
var navGeneration = newNavGenerationHolder . data ( "nav-generation" ) ;
if ( navGeneration != null ) {
navGenerationHolder . data ( "nav-generation" , navGeneration ) ;
lastNavGeneration = navGeneration ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
if ( fetchingResults ) {
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
setTimeout ( updateSidebar , 500 ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
} ;
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
/ * *
* Update the search navigators ( facets ) sidebar if necessary .
* /
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
var updateSidebar = function ( ) {
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
var navGenerationHolder = $ ( "#rankingButtons" ) ;
var shouldUpdateSideBar = true ;
if ( navGenerationHolder . length > 0 ) {
var oldNavGeneration = navGenerationHolder . data ( "nav-generation" ) ;
if ( oldNavGeneration != null && lastNavGeneration != null && oldNavGeneration == lastNavGeneration ) {
/* nav-generation has not changed : no need to refresh the navigators side bar*/
shouldUpdateSideBar = false ;
if ( logEnabled ) {
console . log ( "Prevented unnecessary sidebar update" ) ;
if ( shouldUpdateSideBar ) {
var trailerParams = {
2017-10-11 01:13:28 -04:00
"eventID" : theEventID ,
"resource" : "global"
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
} ;
var searchForm = document . forms . searchform ;
if ( searchForm != null ) {
if ( searchForm . resource != null && searchForm . resource . value != null ) {
trailerParams . resource = searchForm . resource . value ;
if ( searchForm . auth != null && searchForm . auth . value != null ) {
trailerParams . auth = searchForm . auth . value ;
$ . get (
"yacysearchtrailer.html" ,
trailerParams ,
) ;
} else if ( fetchingResults ) {
setTimeout ( updateSidebar , 500 ) ;
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
} ;
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
/ * *
* Process result from yacysearchlatestinfo . json and re - launch results fetching
* only is the results feeders are not terminated on the server
* /
var processLatestInfo = function ( latestInfo ) {
if ( latestInfo . feedRunning ) {
$ . get ( "yacysearchlatestinfo.json" , {
eventID : theEventID
} , processItem ) ;
} else {
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
fetchingResults = false ;
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
var processItem = function ( data ) {
2017-09-13 01:41:03 -04:00
var newItem = $ ( data ) ;
2017-09-14 03:36:55 -04:00
newItem . addClass ( "hidden fresh" ) ;
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
/* If we didn't get a valid response from YaCy, wait a bit and check if the results feeders are still running on the server side */
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
if ( ! newItem . data ( "ranking" ) ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ . get (
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
"yacysearchlatestinfo.json" ,
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
eventID : theEventID
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
} ,
2017-09-13 03:03:24 -04:00
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
return ;
// For every search item that has already been displayed...
2017-09-13 13:03:01 -04:00
var allResults = $ ( "#resultscontainer" ) . find ( ".searchresults" ) ;
var allResultsLength = allResults . length ;
// Special case if this is the first search item.
if ( allResultsLength === 0 ) {
// Display the new item
newItem . appendTo ( "#resultscontainer" ) ;
} else {
allResults . each ( function ( i ) {
// If the existing search item is lower-ranked than the new item...
if ( parseFloat ( $ ( this ) . data ( "ranking" ) ) <= parseFloat ( newItem . data ( "ranking" ) ) ) {
// Insert new item before the existing item
newItem . insertBefore ( this ) ;
return false ;
// If the new item is lower-ranked than all existing items...
else if ( i == allResultsLength - 1 ) {
// And if the new item (position i + 1) would be ranked 0 to requestedResults - 1...
if ( i + 1 < requestedResults ) {
// Insert new item at the end
newItem . appendTo ( "#resultscontainer" ) ;
return false ;
// If the new item is too irrelevant to be displayed...
else {
// Insert new item at the end
newItem . appendTo ( "#resultscontainer" ) ;
if ( logEnabled ) {
console . log ( "Hiding search result because ranking " + newItem . data ( "ranking" ) + " too low." ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
2017-10-12 01:16:19 -04:00
var navGeneration = newItem . data ( "nav-generation" ) ;
if ( navGeneration != null ) {
/* Store the navigators generation new value when the item provided this info */
lastNavGeneration = navGeneration ;
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
2017-09-15 06:16:24 -04:00
displayPage ( false , currentPageNumber ) ;
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
2017-04-02 22:32:09 -04:00
if ( itemCount === 0 ) {
updateSidebar ( ) ;
2017-09-03 13:50:08 -04:00
// Increment itemCount and get another item.
itemCount ++ ;
$ . get (
"yacysearchitem.html" ,
eventID : theEventID ,
item : itemCount
} ,
) ;
} ;