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synced 2025-02-02 06:38:42 -05:00
863 lines
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// yacysearchitem.java
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 28.08.2007 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.htroot;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter;
import net.yacy.cora.date.ISO8601Formatter;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification.ContentDomain;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.feed.RSSMessage;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader.FileType;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.cora.util.Memory;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Cache;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Transactions;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Transactions.State;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Response;
import net.yacy.data.URLLicense;
import net.yacy.data.UserDB;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.IconEntry;
import net.yacy.http.servlets.TemplateMissingParameterException;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataNode;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Formatter;
import net.yacy.peers.NewsPool;
import net.yacy.peers.Seed;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.ProfilingGraph;
import net.yacy.search.EventTracker;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.search.navigator.Navigator;
import net.yacy.search.query.HeuristicResult;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventCache;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventType;
import net.yacy.search.snippet.TextSnippet;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
import net.yacy.utils.crypt;
import net.yacy.utils.nxTools;
import net.yacy.visualization.ImageViewer;
public class yacysearchitem {
private static final String SHORTEN_SUFFIX = "...";
private static final int SHORTEN_SUFFIX_LENGTH = SHORTEN_SUFFIX.length();
private static final int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 60;
private static final int MAX_URL_LENGTH = 120;
/** Default image item width in pixels */
private static final int DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH = 256;
/** Default image item height in pixels */
private static final int DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT = DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH;
//private static boolean col = true;
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
if (post == null) {
throw new TemplateMissingParameterException("The eventID parameter is required");
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
final String eventID = post.get("eventID", "");
final boolean adminAuthenticated = sb.verifyAuthentication(header);
final UserDB.Entry user = sb.userDB != null ? sb.userDB.getUser(header) : null;
final boolean authenticated = adminAuthenticated || user != null;
final boolean extendedSearchRights = adminAuthenticated || (user != null && user.hasRight(UserDB.AccessRight.EXTENDED_SEARCH_RIGHT));
//final boolean bookmarkRights = adminAuthenticated || (user != null && user.hasRight(UserDB.AccessRight.BOOKMARK_RIGHT));
final int item = post.getInt("item", -1);
final RequestHeader.FileType fileType = header.fileType();
if (post.containsKey("auth") && !adminAuthenticated && user == null) {
* Access to authentication protected features is explicitely requested here
* but no authentication is provided : ask now for authentication.
* Wihout this, after timeout of HTTP Digest authentication nonce, browsers no more send authentication information
* and as this page is not private, protected features would simply be hidden without asking browser again for authentication.
* (see mantis 766 : http://mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=766) *
return prop;
// default settings for blank item
prop.put("content", "0");
prop.put("rss", "0");
prop.put("references", "0");
prop.put("rssreferences", "0");
prop.put("dynamic", "0");
prop.put("localQuery", "0");
prop.put("statistics", "0");
// find search event
final SearchEvent theSearch = SearchEventCache.getEvent(eventID);
if (theSearch == null) {
// the event does not exist, show empty page
return prop;
// dynamically update count values
prop.put("statistics", "1");
prop.put("statistics_offset", theSearch.query.neededResults() - theSearch.query.itemsPerPage() + 1);
prop.put("statistics_itemscount", Formatter.number(Math.min((item < 0) ? theSearch.query.neededResults() : item + 1, theSearch.getResultCount())));
prop.put("statistics_itemsperpage", Formatter.number(theSearch.query.itemsPerPage));
prop.put("statistics_totalcount", Formatter.number(theSearch.getResultCount(), true));
prop.put("statistics_localIndexCount", Formatter.number(theSearch.local_rwi_available.get() + theSearch.local_solr_stored.get() - theSearch.local_solr_evicted.get(), true));
prop.put("statistics_remoteIndexCount", Formatter.number(theSearch.remote_rwi_available.get() + theSearch.remote_solr_available.get(), true));
prop.put("statistics_remotePeerCount", Formatter.number(theSearch.remote_rwi_peerCount.get() + theSearch.remote_solr_peerCount.get(), true));
QueryParams.navurlBase(RequestHeader.FileType.HTML, theSearch.query, null, false, authenticated)
prop.put("statistics_localQuery", theSearch.query.isLocal() ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("statistics_feedRunning", Boolean.toString(!theSearch.isFeedingFinished()));
final String target_special_pattern = sb.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL_PATTERN, "");
final boolean noreferrer = sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RESULT_NOREFERRER, SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RESULT_NOREFERRER_DEFAULT);
final long timeout = item == 0 ? 10000 : (theSearch.query.isLocal() ? 1000 : 3000);
if (theSearch.query.contentdom == Classification.ContentDomain.TEXT || theSearch.query.contentdom == Classification.ContentDomain.ALL) {
// text search
// generate result object
final URIMetadataNode result = theSearch.oneResult(item, timeout);
if (result == null) return prop; // no content
final String resultUrlstring = result.urlstring();
final DigestURL resultURL = result.url();
final String target = sb.getConfig(resultUrlstring.matches(target_special_pattern) ? SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL : SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_TARGET_DEFAULT, "_self");
final String resource = theSearch.query.domType.toString();
final String origQ = theSearch.query.getQueryGoal().getQueryString(true);
prop.put("content", 1); // switch on specific content
final String urlhash = ASCII.String(result.hash());
if (adminAuthenticated) { // only needed if authorized
addAuthorizedActions(sb, prop, theSearch, resultUrlstring, resource, origQ, urlhash, null);
} else if (authenticated && user != null) {
addAuthorizedActions(sb, prop, theSearch, resultUrlstring, resource, origQ, urlhash, user);
} else
prop.put("content_authorized", "0"); // disable for not authorized user
// for testing only
// result
// if local Admin - no admin_right
// if admin authent -> admin_right = true, bookmark_right = false
if (header.isUserInRole(UserDB.AccessRight.ADMIN_RIGHT.toString())) {
if (header.isUserInRole(UserDB.AccessRight.BOOKMARK_RIGHT.toString())) {
prop.putHTML("content_title", result.title());
prop.putXML("content_title-xml", result.title());
prop.putJSON("content_title-json", result.title());
prop.putHTML("content_showPictures_link", resultUrlstring);
prop.put("content_showPictures_authSearch", authenticated);
/* Add information about the current search navigators to let browser refresh yacysearchtrailer only if needed */
prop.put("content_nav-generation", theSearch.getNavGeneration());
//prop.putHTML("content_link", resultUrlstring);
// START interaction
if (sb.getConfigBool("proxyURL.useforresults", false) && sb.getConfigBool("proxyURL", false)) {
String modifyURL = resultUrlstring;
// check if url is allowed to view
final String tmprewritecfg = sb.getConfig("proxyURL.rewriteURLs", "all");
if (tmprewritecfg.equals("all")) {
modifyURL = "./proxy.html?url=" + resultUrlstring;
} else if (tmprewritecfg.equals("domainlist")) { // check if url is allowed to view
try {
if (sb.crawlStacker.urlInAcceptedDomain(new DigestURL(resultUrlstring)) == null) {
modifyURL = "./proxy.html?url=" + resultUrlstring;
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
} else if (tmprewritecfg.equals("yacy")) {
try {
if ((new DigestURL(resultUrlstring).getHost().endsWith(".yacy"))) {
modifyURL = "./proxy.html?url=" + resultUrlstring;
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
prop.putXML("content_link", modifyURL); // putXML for rss
} else {
prop.putXML("content_link", resultUrlstring); // putXML for rss
prop.put("content_noreferrer", noreferrer ? 1 : 0);
// END interaction
final boolean isAtomFeed = header.get(HeaderFramework.CONNECTION_PROP_EXT, "").equals("atom");
final String resultFileName = resultURL.getFileName();
prop.putHTML("content_target", target);
DigestURL faviconURL = null;
final boolean showFavicon = sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RESULT_SHOW_FAVICON,
if (((fileType == FileType.HTML && showFavicon) || fileType == FileType.JSON)
&& (resultURL.isHTTP() || resultURL.isHTTPS())) {
faviconURL = getFaviconURL(result, new Dimension(16, 16));
if(faviconURL == null) {
prop.put("content_favicon", 0);
} else {
prop.put("content_favicon", 1);
prop.putHTML("content_favicon_faviconUrl", processFaviconURL(ImageViewer.hasFullViewingRights(header, sb), faviconURL));
prop.putHTML("content_favicon_urlhash", urlhash);
if (result.limage() == 0) {
if (faviconURL == null) {
prop.put("content_image", 0);
} else {
prop.put("content_image", 1);
prop.putXML("content_image_url", faviconURL.toNormalform(true));
} else {
try {
prop.putXML("content_image_url", result.imageURL());
prop.put("content_image", 1);
} catch (final UnsupportedOperationException e) {
/* May occur when the document embedded images information is incomplete to retrieve at least an valid image url*/
prop.put("content_image", 0);
prop.put("content_urlhash", urlhash);
prop.put("content_ranking", Float.toString(result.score()));
final Date[] events = result.events();
final boolean showEvent = events != null && events.length > 0 && sb.getConfig("search.navigation", "").indexOf("date",0) >= 0;
prop.put("content_showEvent", showEvent ? 1 : 0);
final Collection<File> snapshotPaths = sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.snapshots", true) ? Transactions.findPaths(result.url(), null, State.ANY) : null;
if (fileType == FileType.HTML) { // html template specific settings
final boolean showKeywords = (sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RESULT_SHOW_KEYWORDS,
SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RESULT_SHOW_KEYWORDS_DEFAULT) && !result.dc_subject().isEmpty());
prop.put("content_showKeywords", showKeywords);
prop.put("content_showDate", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.date", true) && !showEvent ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showSize", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.size", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showMetadata", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.metadata", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showParser", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.parser", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showCitation", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.citation", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showPictures", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.pictures", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showCache", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.cache", true) && Cache.has(resultURL.hash()) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showProxy", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.proxy", true) && sb.getConfigBool("proxyURL", false) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showIndexBrowser", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.indexbrowser", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showSnapshots", snapshotPaths != null && snapshotPaths.size() > 0 && sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.snapshots", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showVocabulary", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.vocabulary", true) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("content_showRanking", sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.ranking", false) ? 1 : 0);
if (showEvent) prop.put("content_showEvent_date", GenericFormatter.RFC1123_SHORT_FORMATTER.format(events[0]));
if (showKeywords) { // tokenize keywords
final StringTokenizer stoc = new StringTokenizer(result.dc_subject()," ");
String rawNavQueryModifier;
final Navigator navi = theSearch.navigatorPlugins.get("keywords");
final boolean naviAvail = navi != null;
final int firstMaxKeywords = sb.getConfigInt(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RESULT_KEYWORDS_FISRT_MAX_COUNT,
int i = 0;
while (stoc.hasMoreTokens()
&& i < firstMaxKeywords) {
final String word = stoc.nextToken();
prop.putHTML("content_showKeywords_keywords_" + i + "_tagword", word);
if (naviAvail) { // use query modifier if navigator available
rawNavQueryModifier = navi.getQueryModifier(word);
} else { // otherwise just use the keyword as additional query word
rawNavQueryModifier = word;
prop.put("content_showKeywords_keywords_" + i + "_tagurl", QueryParams.navurl(fileType, 0,
theSearch.query, rawNavQueryModifier, naviAvail, authenticated).toString());
prop.put("content_showKeywords_keywords", i);
if(stoc.hasMoreTokens()) {
prop.put("content_showKeywords_moreKeywords", "1");
prop.put("content_showKeywords_moreKeywords_urlhash", urlhash);
i = 0;
while (stoc.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String word = stoc.nextToken();
prop.putHTML("content_showKeywords_moreKeywords_keywords_" + i + "_tagword", word);
if (naviAvail) { // use query modifier if navigator available
rawNavQueryModifier = navi.getQueryModifier(word);
} else { // otherwise just use the keyword as additional query word
rawNavQueryModifier = word;
prop.put("content_showKeywords_moreKeywords_keywords_" + i + "_tagurl", QueryParams.navurl(fileType, 0,
theSearch.query, rawNavQueryModifier, naviAvail, authenticated).toString());
prop.put("content_showKeywords_moreKeywords_keywords", i);
prop.put("content_showDate_date", GenericFormatter.RFC1123_SHORT_FORMATTER.format(result.moddate()));
prop.putHTML("content_showSize_sizename", RSSMessage.sizename(result.filesize()));
prop.put("content_showMetadata_urlhash", urlhash);
prop.put("content_showParser_urlhash", urlhash);
prop.put("content_showCitation_urlhash", urlhash);
prop.putUrlEncodedHTML("content_showPictures_former", origQ);
prop.put("content_showCache_link", resultUrlstring);
prop.put("content_showProxy_link", resultUrlstring);
prop.put("content_showIndexBrowser_link", resultUrlstring);
if (sb.getConfigBool("search.result.show.vocabulary", true)) {
int c = 0;
for (final String key: result.getFieldNames()) {
if (key.startsWith("vocabulary_") && key.endsWith("_sxt")) {
final Collection<Object> terms = result.getFieldValues(key);
prop.putHTML("content_showVocabulary_vocabulary_" + c + "_name", key.substring(11, key.length() - 4));
prop.putHTML("content_showVocabulary_vocabulary_" + c + "_terms", terms.toString());
prop.put("content_showVocabulary_vocabulary", c);
prop.put("content_showVocabulary", 1);
} else {
prop.put("content_showVocabulary_vocabulary", 0);
prop.put("content_showVocabulary", 0);
if (snapshotPaths != null && snapshotPaths.size() > 0) {
/* Only add a link to the eventual snapshot file in the format it is stored (no resource fetching and conversion here) */
String selectedExt = null, ext;
for(final File snapshot : snapshotPaths) {
ext = MultiProtocolURL.getFileExtension(snapshot.getName());
if("jpg".equals(ext) || "png".equals(ext)) {
/* Prefer snapshots in jpeg or png format */
selectedExt = ext;
} else if("pdf".equals(ext)) {
selectedExt = ext;
} else if("xml".equals(ext) && selectedExt == null) {
/* Use the XML metadata snapshot in last resort */
selectedExt = ext;
if(selectedExt != null) {
prop.putHTML("content_showSnapshots_extension", selectedExt.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
prop.putHTML("content_showSnapshots_link", "api/snapshot." + selectedExt + "?url=" + resultURL);
} else {
prop.put("content_showSnapshots", 0);
prop.put("content_showRanking_ranking", Float.toString(result.score()));
prop.put("content_ranking", Float.toString(result.score()));
prop.put("content_urlhexhash", Seed.b64Hash2hexHash(urlhash));
prop.putHTML("content_urlname", nxTools.shortenURLString(result.urlname(), MAX_URL_LENGTH));
prop.put("content_date822", isAtomFeed ? ISO8601Formatter.FORMATTER.format(result.moddate()) : HeaderFramework.formatRFC1123(result.moddate()));
if (showEvent) prop.put("content_showEvent_date822", isAtomFeed ? ISO8601Formatter.FORMATTER.format(events[0]) : HeaderFramework.formatRFC1123(events[0]));
//prop.put("content_ybr", RankingProcess.ybr(result.hash()));
prop.putHTML("content_size", Integer.toString(result.filesize())); // we don't use putNUM here because that number shall be usable as sorting key. To print the size, use 'sizename'
prop.putHTML("content_sizename", RSSMessage.sizename(result.filesize()));
prop.putHTML("content_host", resultURL.getHost() == null ? "" : resultURL.getHost());
prop.putXML("content_file", resultFileName); // putXML for rss
prop.putXML("content_path", resultURL.getPath()); // putXML for rss
prop.put("content_nl", (item == theSearch.query.offset) ? 0 : 1);
prop.putHTML("content_publisher", result.dc_publisher());
prop.putHTML("content_creator", result.dc_creator());// author
prop.putHTML("content_subject", result.dc_subject());
final Iterator<String> query = theSearch.query.getQueryGoal().getIncludeStrings();
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(theSearch.query.getQueryGoal().getIncludeSize() * 20);
while (query.hasNext()) {
if(s.length() > 0) {
s.append(' ');
final String words = MultiProtocolURL.escape(s.toString()).toString();
prop.putUrlEncodedHTML("content_words", words);
prop.putUrlEncodedHTML("content_showParser_words", words);
prop.putUrlEncodedHTML("content_former", origQ);
final TextSnippet snippet = result.textSnippet();
final String desc = (snippet == null) ? "" : snippet.descriptionline(theSearch.query.getQueryGoal());
prop.put("content_description", desc);
prop.putXML("content_description-xml", desc);
prop.putJSON("content_description-json", desc);
prop.put("content_mimetype", result.mime()); // for atom <link> type attribute
final HeuristicResult heuristic = theSearch.getHeuristic(result.hash());
if (heuristic == null) {
prop.put("content_heuristic", 0);
} else {
if (heuristic.redundant) {
prop.put("content_heuristic", 1);
} else {
prop.put("content_heuristic", 2);
prop.put("content_heuristic_name", heuristic.heuristicName);
EventTracker.update(EventTracker.EClass.SEARCH, new ProfilingGraph.EventSearch(theSearch.query.id(true), SearchEventType.FINALIZATION, "" + item, 0, 0), false);
if (result.doctype() == Response.DT_IMAGE) {
final String license = URLLicense.aquireLicense(resultURL);
prop.put("content_code", license);
} else {
prop.put("content_code", "");
if (result.lat() == 0.0d || result.lon() == 0.0d) {
prop.put("content_loc", 0);
} else {
prop.put("content_loc", 1);
prop.put("content_loc_lat", result.lat());
prop.put("content_loc_lon", result.lon());
final boolean clustersearch = sb.isRobinsonMode() && sb.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE, "").equals(SwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER);
final boolean indexReceiveGranted = sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW_SEARCH, true) || clustersearch;
final boolean p2pmode = sb.peers != null && sb.peers.sizeConnected() > 0 && indexReceiveGranted;
final boolean stealthmode = p2pmode && theSearch.query.isLocal();
if ((sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS, false) ||
(sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.GREEDYLEARNING_ACTIVE, false) && sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.GREEDYLEARNING_ENABLED, false) && Memory.getSystemLoadAverage() < 1.0)) &&
!stealthmode) sb.heuristicSearchResults(result);
theSearch.query.transmitcount = item + 1;
return prop;
if (theSearch.query.contentdom == Classification.ContentDomain.IMAGE) {
// image search; shows thumbnails
processImage(sb, prop, item, theSearch, target_special_pattern, timeout, ImageViewer.hasFullViewingRights(header, sb), noreferrer);
theSearch.query.transmitcount = item + 1;
return prop;
if ((theSearch.query.contentdom == ContentDomain.AUDIO) ||
(theSearch.query.contentdom == ContentDomain.VIDEO) ||
(theSearch.query.contentdom == ContentDomain.APP)) {
// any other media content
// generate result object
final URIMetadataNode ms = theSearch.oneResult(item, timeout);
prop.put("content", theSearch.query.contentdom.getCode() + 1); // switch on specific content
if (ms == null) {
prop.put("content_item", "0");
} else {
final String resultUrlstring = ms.url().toNormalform(true);
final String target = sb.getConfig(resultUrlstring.matches(target_special_pattern) ? SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL : SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_TARGET_DEFAULT, "_self");
prop.putHTML("content_item_href", resultUrlstring);
if(theSearch.query.contentdom == ContentDomain.AUDIO && extendedSearchRights) {
* Display HTML5 embedded audio only to authenticated users with extended search rights to prevent any media redistribution issue
processEmbedAudio(prop, theSearch, ms);
}else {
prop.put("content_item_embed", false);
prop.put("content_item_noreferrer", noreferrer ? 1 : 0);
prop.putHTML("content_item_hrefshort", nxTools.shortenURLString(resultUrlstring, MAX_URL_LENGTH));
prop.putHTML("content_item_target", target);
prop.putHTML("content_item_name", shorten(ms.title(), MAX_NAME_LENGTH));
prop.put("content_item_col", (item % 2 == 0) ? "0" : "1");
prop.put("content_item_nl", (item == theSearch.query.offset) ? 0 : 1);
prop.put("content_item", 1);
theSearch.query.transmitcount = item + 1;
return prop;
return prop;
* @param prop the target properties
* @param theSearch the search event
* @param result a result entry
private static void processEmbedAudio(final serverObjects prop, final SearchEvent theSearch,
final URIMetadataNode result) {
final String mediaType = result.mime();
if (mediaType != null && mediaType.startsWith("audio/")) {
* content-type is known to be audio : each browser has its own set of supported
* audio subtypes, so the browser will then handle itself eventual report about
* unsupported media format
prop.put("content_item_embed", true);
prop.put("content_item_embed_list", false);
prop.put("content_item_embed_audioSources", 1);
appendEmbeddedAudio(result, result.url(), prop, "content_item_embed_audioSources_0");
prop.put("content_item_embed_audioSources_0_list", false);
} else if (result.laudio() > 0 && !theSearch.query.isStrictContentDom()) {
* The result media type is not audio, but there are some links to audio
* resources : render a limited list of embedded audio elements
final TreeSet<MultiProtocolURL> audioLinks = new TreeSet<>(
final int firstAudioLinksLimit = 3;
final int secondAudioLinksLimit = 50;
filterAudioLinks(URIMetadataNode.getLinks(result, false), audioLinks, result.laudio());
filterAudioLinks(URIMetadataNode.getLinks(result, true), audioLinks, result.laudio());
if (!audioLinks.isEmpty()) {
prop.put("content_item_embed", true);
final boolean hasMoreThanOne = audioLinks.size() > 1;
prop.put("content_item_embed_list", hasMoreThanOne);
prop.put("content_item_embed_audioSources", Math.min(audioLinks.size(), firstAudioLinksLimit));
final Iterator<MultiProtocolURL> linksIter = audioLinks.iterator();
for (int i = 0; linksIter.hasNext() && i < firstAudioLinksLimit; i++) {
appendEmbeddedAudio(result, linksIter.next(), prop, "content_item_embed_audioSources_" + i);
prop.put("content_item_embed_audioSources_" + i + "_list", hasMoreThanOne);
if (audioLinks.size() > firstAudioLinksLimit) {
prop.put("content_item_embed_moreAudios", true);
prop.put("content_item_embed_moreAudios_firstLimit", firstAudioLinksLimit);
String.valueOf(audioLinks.size() - firstAudioLinksLimit));
String.valueOf(Math.min(audioLinks.size(), secondAudioLinksLimit) - firstAudioLinksLimit));
prop.put("content_item_embed_moreAudios_urlhash", ASCII.String(result.hash()));
Math.min(audioLinks.size(), secondAudioLinksLimit) - firstAudioLinksLimit);
for (int i = 0; linksIter.hasNext() && i < (secondAudioLinksLimit - firstAudioLinksLimit); i++) {
appendEmbeddedAudio(result, linksIter.next(), prop,
"content_item_embed_moreAudios_audioSources_" + i);
} else {
prop.put("content_item_embed_moreAudios", false);
prop.put("content_item_embed_moreAudios_evenMore", audioLinks.size() > secondAudioLinksLimit);
if (audioLinks.size() > secondAudioLinksLimit) {
String.valueOf(audioLinks.size() - secondAudioLinksLimit));
prop.put("content_item_embed_moreAudios_evenMore_urlhash", ASCII.String(result.hash()));
} else {
prop.put("content_item_embed", false);
* Write the properties of an embedded audio element to prop. All parameters must not be null.
* @param mainResult the result entry to which the audio link belongs
* @param audioLink an audio link URL
* @param prop the target properties
* @param propPrefix the prefix to use when appending prop
private static void appendEmbeddedAudio(final URIMetadataNode mainResult,
final MultiProtocolURL audioLink, final serverObjects prop, final String propPrefix) {
prop.putHTML(propPrefix + "_href", audioLink.toString());
/* Add a title to help user distinguish embedded elements of the list */
final String title;
if(audioLink.getHost().equals(mainResult.url().getHost())) {
/* Inbound link : the file name is sufficient */
title = shorten(audioLink.getFileName(), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
} else {
/* Outbound link : it may help to know where the file is hosted without having to inspect the html element */
title = nxTools.shortenURLString(audioLink.toString(), MAX_URL_LENGTH);
prop.putHTML(propPrefix+ "_title", title);
* Add to the target set, valid URLs from the iterator that are classified as
* audio from their file name extension.
* @param linksIter an iterator on URL strings
* @param target the target set to fill
* @param targetMaxSize the maximum target set size
protected static void filterAudioLinks(final Iterator<String> linksIter, final Set<MultiProtocolURL> target,
final int targetMaxSize) {
while (linksIter.hasNext() && target.size() < targetMaxSize) {
final String linkStr = linksIter.next();
try {
final MultiProtocolURL url = new MultiProtocolURL(linkStr);
if (Classification.isAudioExtension(MultiProtocolURL.getFileExtension(url.getFileName()))) {
} catch (final MalformedURLException ignored) {
/* Continue to next link */
* Tries to retrieve favicon url from solr result document, or generates
* default favicon URL (i.e. "http://host/favicon.ico") from resultURL and
* port.
* @param result
* solr document result. Must not be null.
* @param preferredSize preferred icon size. If no one matches, most close icon is returned.
* @return favicon URL or null when even default favicon URL can not be generated
* @throws NullPointerException when one requested parameter is null
protected static DigestURL getFaviconURL(final URIMetadataNode result, final Dimension preferredSize) {
* We look preferably for a standard icon with preferred size, but
* accept as a fallback other icons below 128x128 or with no known size
final IconEntry faviconEntry = result.getFavicon(preferredSize);
DigestURL faviconURL;
if (faviconEntry == null) {
try {
final String defaultFaviconURL = result.url().getProtocol() + "://" + result.url().getHost()
+ ((result.url().getPort() != -1) ? (":" + result.url().getPort()) : "") + "/favicon.ico";
faviconURL = new DigestURL(defaultFaviconURL);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e1) {
faviconURL = null;
} else {
faviconURL = faviconEntry.getUrl();
return faviconURL;
* @param hasFullViewingRights
* true when current user has full favicon viewing rights
* @param faviconURL
* url icon of web site
* @return url to propose in search result or empty string when faviconURL
* is null
private static String processFaviconURL(final boolean hasFullViewingRights, final DigestURL faviconURL) {
/* Only use licence code for non authentified users. For authenticated users licence would never be released and would unnecessarily fill URLLicense.permissions. */
final StringBuilder contentFaviconURL = new StringBuilder();
if (faviconURL != null) {
final String iconUrlExt = MultiProtocolURL.getFileExtension(faviconURL.getFileName());
/* Image format ouput for ViewFavicon servlet : default is png, except with gif and svg icons */
final String viewFaviconExt = !iconUrlExt.isEmpty() && ImageViewer.isBrowserRendered(iconUrlExt) ? iconUrlExt : "png";
if (hasFullViewingRights) {
} else {
return contentFaviconURL.toString();
* Add action links reserved to authorized users (adminRights). All
* parameters must be non null.
* @param sb the main Switchboard instance
* @param prop properties map to feed
* @param theSearch search event
* @param resultUrlstring URL of the result item
* @param resource resource scope ("local" or "global")
* @param origQ origin query terms
* @param urlhash URL hash of the result item
* @param user current user or null if current user is admin
private static void addAuthorizedActions(final Switchboard sb, final serverObjects prop,
final SearchEvent theSearch, final String resultUrlstring, final String resource, final String origQ,
final String urlhash, final UserDB.Entry user) {
// check if url exists in bookmarks
final boolean bookmarkexists = sb.bookmarksDB.getBookmark(urlhash) != null;
if (user == null || user.hasRight(UserDB.AccessRight.BOOKMARK_RIGHT)) {
prop.put("content_authorized_bookmark", !bookmarkexists);
} else
prop.put("content_authorized_bookmark", "0");
/* boolean blacklistislisted = false;
try {
DigestURL durl = new DigestURL(resultUrlstring);
blacklistislisted = sb.urlBlacklist.isListed(Blacklist.BlacklistType.SEARCH, durl);
} catch (Exception e) {}
final StringBuilder linkBuilder = QueryParams.navurl(RequestHeader.FileType.HTML, theSearch.query.offset / theSearch.query.itemsPerPage(),
theSearch.query, null, false, true);
final int baseUrlLength = linkBuilder.length();
String encodedURLString;
try {
encodedURLString = URLEncoder.encode(crypt.simpleEncode(resultUrlstring), StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name());
} catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
ConcurrentLog.warn("YACY_SEARCH_ITEM", "UTF-8 encoding is not supported!");
encodedURLString = crypt.simpleEncode(resultUrlstring);
final String bookmarkLink = linkBuilder.append("&bookmarkurl=").append(encodedURLString).append("&bookmarkref=" + urlhash).toString();
final String deleteLink = linkBuilder.append("&deleteref=").append(urlhash).toString();
final String recommendLink = linkBuilder.append("&recommendref=").append(urlhash).toString();
final String blacklistLink = linkBuilder.append("&blacklisturl=").append(encodedURLString).toString();
linkBuilder.setLength(baseUrlLength); // cut off - for next new append
prop.put("content_authorized_blacklist_blacklistlink", blacklistLink);
prop.put("content_authorized_bookmark_bookmarklink", bookmarkLink);
prop.put("content_authorized_recommend_deletelink", deleteLink);
prop.put("content_authorized_recommend_recommendlink", recommendLink);
if (user == null || user.hasRight(UserDB.AccessRight.ADMIN_RIGHT)) {
prop.put("content_authorized_recommend", (sb.peers.newsPool.getSpecific(NewsPool.OUTGOING_DB, NewsPool.CATEGORY_SURFTIPP_ADD, "url", resultUrlstring) == null) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("content_authorized_blacklist", "1");
} else {
prop.put("content_authorized_recommend", "0");
prop.put("content_authorized_blacklist", "0");
// prop.put("content_authorized_urlhash", urlhash); // not used 2022-02-09
prop.put("content_authorized", "1"); // enable authorized icons/content
* Process search of image type and feed prop object. All parameters must not be null.
* @param sb Switchboard instance
* @param prop result
* @param item item index.
* @param theSearch search event
* @param target_special_pattern
* @param timeout result getting timeOut
* @param fullViewingRights set to true when current user has full image viewing rights
* @param noreferrer set to true when the noreferrer link type should be added to the original image source links
private static void processImage(final Switchboard sb, final serverObjects prop, final int item,
final SearchEvent theSearch, final String target_special_pattern, final long timeout, final boolean fullViewingRights, final boolean noreferrer) {
prop.put("content", theSearch.query.contentdom.getCode() + 1); // switch on specific content
try {
final SearchEvent.ImageResult image = theSearch.oneImageResult(item, timeout, theSearch.query.isStrictContentDom());
final String imageUrlstring = image.imageUrl.toNormalform(true);
final String imageUrlExt = MultiProtocolURL.getFileExtension(image.imageUrl.getFileName());
final String target = sb.getConfig(imageUrlstring.matches(target_special_pattern) ? SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL : SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_TARGET_DEFAULT, "_self");
final String license = URLLicense.aquireLicense(image.imageUrl); // this is just the license key to get the image forwarded through the YaCy thumbnail viewer, not an actual lawful license
/* Image format ouput for ViewImage servlet : default is png, except with gif and svg images */
final String viewImageExt = !imageUrlExt.isEmpty() && ImageViewer.isBrowserRendered(imageUrlExt) ? imageUrlExt : "png";
/* Thumb URL */
final StringBuilder thumbURLBuilder = new StringBuilder("ViewImage.").append(viewImageExt).append("?maxwidth=")
/* Only use licence code for non authentified users. For authenticated users licence would never be released and would unnecessarily fill URLLicense.permissions. */
if(fullViewingRights) {
} else {
final String thumbURL = thumbURLBuilder.toString();
prop.putHTML("content_item_hrefCache", thumbURL);
/* Full size preview URL */
if(fullViewingRights) {
prop.putHTML("content_item_hrefFullPreview", "ViewImage." + viewImageExt + "?isStatic=true&url=" + imageUrlstring);
} else {
/* Not authenticated : full preview URL must be the same as thumb URL */
prop.putHTML("content_item_hrefFullPreview", thumbURL);
prop.putHTML("content_item_href", imageUrlstring);
prop.putHTML("content_item_target", target);
prop.put("content_item_code", license);
prop.putHTML("content_item_name", shorten(image.imagetext, MAX_NAME_LENGTH));
prop.put("content_item_mimetype", image.mimetype);
prop.put("content_item_fileSize", 0);
String itemWidth = DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH + "px", itemHeight = DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT + "px", itemStyle="";
/* When image content is rendered by browser :
* - set smaller dimension to 100% in order to crop image on other dimension with CSS style 'overflow:hidden' on image container
* - set negative margin top behave like ViewImage which sets an offset when cutting to square */
if (ImageViewer.isBrowserRendered(imageUrlExt)) {
if (image.width > image.height) {
/* Landscape orientation */
itemWidth = "";
itemHeight = "100%";
if(image.height > 0) {
final double scale = ((double)DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT) / ((double)image.height);
final int margin = (int)((image.height - image.width) * (scale / 2.0));
itemStyle = "margin-left: " + margin + "px;";
} else {
/* Portrait orientation, or square or unknown dimensions (both equals zero) */
itemWidth = "100%";
itemHeight = "";
if(image.height > image.width && image.width > 0) {
final double scale = ((double)DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH) / ((double)image.width);
final int margin = (int)((image.width - image.height) * (scale / 2.0));
itemStyle = "margin-top: " + margin + "px;";
prop.put("content_item_width", itemWidth);
prop.put("content_item_height", itemHeight);
prop.put("content_item_style", itemStyle);
prop.put("content_item_attr", ""/*(ms.attr.equals("-1 x -1")) ? "" : "(" + ms.attr + ")"*/); // attributes, here: original size of image
prop.put("content_item_urlhash", ASCII.String(image.imageUrl.hash()));
prop.put("content_item_source", image.sourceUrl.toNormalform(true));
prop.put("content_item_noreferrer", noreferrer ? 1 : 0);
prop.putXML("content_item_source-xml", image.sourceUrl.toNormalform(true));
prop.put("content_item_sourcedom", image.sourceUrl.getHost());
prop.put("content_item_nl", (item == theSearch.query.offset) ? 0 : 1);
prop.put("content_item", 1);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
prop.put("content_item", "0");
private static String shorten(final String s, final int length) {
final String ret;
if (s.length() <= length) {
ret = s;
} else {
final int p = s.lastIndexOf('.');
if (p < 0) {
ret = s.substring(0, length - SHORTEN_SUFFIX_LENGTH) + SHORTEN_SUFFIX;
} else {
assert p >= 0;
final String ext = s.substring(p + 1);
if (ext.length() > 4) {
ret = s.substring(0, length / 2 - 2) + SHORTEN_SUFFIX + s.substring(s.length() - (length / 2 - 2));
} else {
ret = s.substring(0, length - ext.length() - SHORTEN_SUFFIX_LENGTH) + SHORTEN_SUFFIX + ext;
return ret;