2021-01-01 23:43:13 -05:00

316 lines
9.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from enum import Enum, auto, unique
import random
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor
from overrides import EnforceOverrides, overrides
class Direction(Enum):
NORTH = auto()
SOUTH = auto()
EAST = auto()
WEST = auto()
class Distances:
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.cells = {root: 0}
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.cells.get(item, None)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.cells[key] = value
def __contains__(self, elem):
return self.cells.__contains__(elem)
def path_to(self, goal_cell):
current_cell = goal_cell
breadcrumbs = Distances(self.root)
breadcrumbs[current_cell] = self[current_cell]
while current_cell is not self.root:
for neighbor in current_cell.links():
if self[neighbor] < self[current_cell]:
breadcrumbs[neighbor] = self[neighbor]
current_cell = neighbor
return breadcrumbs
def max(self):
"""Returns the cell with the max path length"""
return max(self.cells, key=self.cells.get)
class Cell:
def __init__(self, row, column):
self.row = row
self.column = column
self.cell_links = {}
self.cell_neighbors = {}
def link(self, cell, bidirectional=True):
self.cell_links[cell] = True
if bidirectional:, False)
return self
def unlink(self, cell, bidirectional=True):
self.cell_links.pop(cell, None)
if bidirectional:
cell.unlink(self, False)
return self
def links(self):
return self.cell_links.keys()
def is_linked(self, cell):
return cell in self.cell_links.keys()
def neighbors(self):
# TODO is it necessary to filter the None values? I assume so
return [i for i in self.cell_neighbors.values() if i]
def get_neighbor(self, direction):
return self.cell_neighbors.get(direction, None)
def distances(self):
distances = Distances(self)
frontier = [self]
while frontier:
new_frontier = []
for cell in frontier:
for linked_cell in cell.links():
if linked_cell in distances:
distances[linked_cell] = distances[cell] + 1
frontier = new_frontier
return distances
class Grid(EnforceOverrides):
def __init__(self, width, height, algorithm=None):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.cells = self.prepare_grid()
if algorithm:
def size(self):
return self.width * self.height
def random_cell(self):
return random.choice(random.choice(self.cells))
def each_row(self):
return self.cells
def each_cell(self):
return [row for columns in self.cells for row in columns]
def to_img(self, cell_size=10):
img_width = 1 + cell_size * self.width
img_height = 1 + cell_size * self.height
background = ImageColor.getrgb("white")
wall = ImageColor.getrgb("black")
img ="RGB", (img_width, img_height), background)
imgdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
for cell in [cell for cell in self.each_cell() if cell]:
x1 = cell.column * cell_size
y1 = cell.row * cell_size
x2 = (cell.column + 1) * cell_size
y2 = (cell.row + 1) * cell_size
color = self.background_color_of(cell)
if color:
imgdraw.rectangle([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)], color)
for cell in [cell for cell in self.each_cell() if cell]:
x1 = cell.column * cell_size
y1 = cell.row * cell_size
x2 = (cell.column + 1) * cell_size
y2 = (cell.row + 1) * cell_size
if not cell.get_neighbor(Direction.NORTH):
imgdraw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1)], wall)
if not cell.get_neighbor(Direction.WEST):
imgdraw.line([(x1, y1), (x1, y2)], wall)
if not cell.is_linked(cell.get_neighbor(Direction.EAST)):
imgdraw.line([(x2, y1), (x2, y2)], wall)
if not cell.is_linked(cell.get_neighbor(Direction.SOUTH)):
imgdraw.line([(x1, y2), (x2, y2)], wall)
return img
def prepare_grid(self):
return [[Cell(row, column) for column in range(self.width)] for row in range(self.height)]
def configure_neighbors(self):
for column in range(self.width):
for row in range(self.height):
cell = self.cells[row][column]
if not cell:
if column == 0:
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.WEST] = None
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.WEST] = self.cells[row][column - 1]
if column == self.width - 1:
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.EAST] = None
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.EAST] = self.cells[row][column + 1]
if row == 0:
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.NORTH] = None
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.NORTH] = self.cells[row - 1][column]
if row == self.height - 1:
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.SOUTH] = None
cell.cell_neighbors[Direction.SOUTH] = self.cells[row + 1][column]
def deadends(self):
return [cell for cell in self.each_cell() if cell and len(cell.links()) == 1]
def contents_of(self, cell):
if not cell:
return "X"
return " "
def background_color_of(self, cell):
return None
def stats(self):
num_of_deadends = len(self.deadends())
return "Deadends: {}\nCells per deadend: {}\n".format(num_of_deadends, self.size() / num_of_deadends)
def __str__(self):
output = self.stats()
output += "+" + "---+" * self.width + "\n"
for row in self.each_row():
top = "|"
bottom = "+"
for cell in row:
body = '{:^3}'.format(self.contents_of(cell))
east_boundary = "|"
if cell and cell.is_linked(cell.get_neighbor(Direction.EAST)):
east_boundary = " "
top += "{}{}".format(body, east_boundary)
south_boundary = "---"
if cell and cell.is_linked(cell.get_neighbor(Direction.SOUTH)):
south_boundary = " "
corner = "+"
bottom += "{}{}".format(south_boundary, corner)
output += top + "\n"
output += bottom + "\n"
return output
class DistanceGrid(Grid):
distances = None
def background_color_of(self, cell):
if not self.distances or cell not in self.distances:
return None
cell_distance = self.distances[cell]
max_distance = self.distances[self.distances.max()]
intensity = (max_distance - cell_distance) / max_distance
dark = 255 * intensity
light = 128 + (127 * intensity)
return (int(dark), int(light), int(dark), 255)
def contents_of(self, cell):
if self.distances and cell in self.distances:
return self.distances[cell]
return super().contents_of(cell)
class Mask:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.bits = [[True for column in range(width)] for row in range(height)]
def from_string(cls, mask_string):
mask_string_list = [line.strip() for line in mask_string.splitlines()]
row_count = len(mask_string_list)
column_count = len(mask_string_list[0])
mask = cls(column_count, row_count)
for row, line in enumerate(mask_string_list):
for column, character in enumerate(line):
if character in 'X':
mask.set(row, column, False)
return mask
def from_image(cls, img_file):
img =
gray_scale_img = img.convert('L')
row_count = gray_scale_img.height
column_count = gray_scale_img.width
mask = cls(column_count, row_count)
for row in range(row_count):
for column in range(column_count):
if gray_scale_img.getpixel((column, row)) == 0:
mask.set(row, column, False)
return mask
def is_enabled(self, row, column):
return self.bits[row][column]
def set(self, row, column, truth):
self.bits[row][column] = truth
def count(self):
return sum(row.count(True) for row in self.bits)
def choice(self):
# Dangerous - if all cells are false, this will never return
while True:
row = random.choice(range(0, self.height))
column = random.choice(range(0, self.width))
if self.bits[row][column]:
return row, column
class MaskedGrid(Grid):
def __init__(self, mask, algorithm=None):
self.mask = mask
super().__init__(mask.width, mask.height, algorithm)
def prepare_grid(self):
return [[Cell(row, column) if self.mask.is_enabled(row, column) else None for column in range(self.width)] for row in range(self.height)]
def random_cell(self):
row, column = self.mask.choice()
return self.cells[row][column]
def size(self):
return self.mask.count()