
119 lines
3.7 KiB

#include "tuples.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define uint unsigned int
typedef struct MATRIX_Matrix {
uint width, height;
double data[16];
} MATRIX_Matrix;
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new(uint width, uint height);
void MATRIX_init(MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, uint width, uint height);
void MATRIX_destroy(MATRIX_Matrix *matrix);
#define MATRIX_destroy_all(...) Fn_apply(MATRIX_Matrix, MATRIX_destroy, __VA_ARGS__);
void MATRIX_delete(MATRIX_Matrix *matrix);
#define MATRIX_delete_all(...) Fn_apply(MATRIX_Matrix, MATRIX_delete, __VA_ARGS__);
double MATRIX_read_cell(const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, uint row, uint column);
void MATRIX_write_cell(MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, uint row, uint column, double value);
bool MATRIX_is_equal(const MATRIX_Matrix *m1, const MATRIX_Matrix *m2);
char *MATRIX_to_string(const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix);
double MATRIX_determinant(const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix);
* Returns a ptr to a copy of the matrix with the row & column removed.
* Must call MATRIX_delete() on the returned ptr to avoid leaking memory (unless
* you provided dest)
* @param matrix
* @param row
* @param column
* @return
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_submatrix(MATRIX_Matrix *dest, const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, uint row, uint column);
double MATRIX_minor(const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, uint row, uint column);
double MATRIX_cofactor(const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, uint row, uint column);
bool MATRIX_is_invertible(const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix);
* Should only be called on an invertible matrix. Test with
* MATRIX_is_invertible!
* @param matrix
* @return
void MATRIX_inverse(MATRIX_Matrix *dest, const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix);
* Allocates and initializes a an identity matrix.
* Must call MATRIX_delete() on the returned ptr to avoid leaking memory.
* @param width The width & height of the matrix (identities are always square).
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new_identity(uint width);
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new_translation(double x, double y, double z);
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new_scaling(double x, double y, double z);
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new_rotation_x(double radians);
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new_rotation_y(double radians);
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new_rotation_z(double radians);
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_new_shearing(double xy, double xz, double yx, double yz, double zx, double zy);
* Transposes square matrix in place.
* @param matrix
void MATRIX_transpose(MATRIX_Matrix *matrix);
* Matrix multiplication.
* Must call MATRIX_delete() on the returned ptr to avoid leaking memory.
* @param m1
* @param m2
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_multiply(const MATRIX_Matrix *m1, const MATRIX_Matrix *m2);
MATRIX_Matrix *MATRIX_multiply_array(const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix[]);
* example:
* \code{.c}
* MATRIX_Matrix* m1 = MATRIX_new_identity(4);
* MATRIX_Matrix* m2 = MATRIX_new_scaling(2, 2, 2);
* MATRIX_Matrix* m3 = MATRIX_new_translation(0, 0, 1);
* MATRIX_Matrix* result = MATRIX_multiply_many(m1, m2, m3);
* \endcode
#define MATRIX_multiply_many(...) MATRIX_multiply_array((const MATRIX_Matrix *[]){__VA_ARGS__, NULL})
* (deep) Copy a matrix
* @param dest - must be allocated
* @param source
void MATRIX_copy(MATRIX_Matrix *dest, const MATRIX_Matrix *source);
* Fills matrix from left to right, row by row. Number of args must match
* matrix size.
* @param matrix
* @param ...
void MATRIX_fill(MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, ...);
* Multiplies a matrix by a tuple and places the answer in dest.
* @param dest
* @param matrix
* @param tuple
void MATRIX_multiply_tuple(TUPLES_Tuple *dest, const MATRIX_Matrix *matrix, const TUPLES_Tuple *tuple);