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# c-autotools-template
This is a template for new C projects using [GNU
a tool-assisted module system, and unit testing with [Unity
Test](http://www.throwtheswitch.org/unity) and
[CMock](http://www.throwtheswitch.org/cmock). It takes a simple but opinionated
view on module organization and unit testing. This repo includes a few example
modules illustrating module dependencies and unit tests.
This template supposes that a module may consist of multiple source files. For a
simpler template that assumes single-file modules and does not generate its
`Makefile.am` with a tool, see
Project maintainers need Python 3.x and Ruby 2.x installed. The source
distribution can be built on any POSIX-compliant system without Python or Ruby.
A project based on this template organizes its C code into modules, defined
below. You use a tool to generate the `Makefile.am` from the module layout and
**Note:** Be sure to clone this repo (or your own project repo based on this
repo) with `git clone --recurse-submodules` so that the CMock testing library
in `third-party/` and its submodules are also installed. If you omitted this
when cloning, run this to finish the process:
`git submodule update --init --recursive`
## C Modules
A _module_ is a self-contained collection of functionality, implemented as one
or more C source files. A module can define a _program_, or it can define a
_library_ used by other modules. A library module exposes a public interface
with a header file.
Each module has a name consisting of a letter followed by zero or more letters
and numbers. The module name is used for the module source directory, the
module's header file and primary source file, the module tests directory, and
when declaring dependencies from other modules.
The following example files are included in the template under `src/` and
`tests/`. They define three library modules (cfgfile, executor, reporter) and
one program module (myapp):
Each `module.cfg` file describes the module, including whether it is a library
or a program, and on which other modules (if any) it depends. For example,
`executor/module.cfg` looks like this:
library = executor
deps = cfgfile
`myapp/module.cfg` looks like this:
program = myapp
deps = executor reporter
## Module source files
The module source directory `src/{module}/` must contain a `{module}.h` header
file that declares the module's public interface and a `{module}.c` that
implements it. The directory can optionally contain additional source files
that are compiled and linked with the module.
A source file can `#include` any internal header by its name. To `#include` the
public interface of a dependency, use the path from `src/`:
#include "executor.h"
#include "cfgfile/cfgfile.h"
When a program module is built, it is linked statically with all of its
dependencies (and all of their dependencies, and so on). It is recommended to
use C-style name prefixes for all non-`static` symbols. Specifically:
* Module public symbols should begin with the module name and an underscore:
* Module internal symbols shared across files should begin with an underscore,
the module name, and another underscore: `_executor_private()`
* Symbols internal to a single source file should be declared `static`. No
prefix is needed for `static` symbols.
* The header guard `#define` for the module public header should be named after
the module: `EXECUTOR_H_`
* The header guard `#define` for a module private header should use a prefix of
an underscore, the module name, and an underscore: `_EXECUTOR_PRIVATE_H_`
A program module must define `int main(int argc, char **argv)`. A library
module must not.
## Module unit tests and mocks
Each source file under `tests/{module}/` named `test_{suite}.c` is a [Unity
Test](http://www.throwtheswitch.org/unity) test suite. A test suite should
`#include` the header of the module under test with its `src/` relative path.
It must also `#include "unity.h"`.
Each function with a name beginning with `test_` is a unit test in the suite.
It should have a `void` parameter specification and a `void` return type. It is
recommended to include the name of the function under test, the condition of
the test, and the expected result in the name of the `test_...()` function,
spelled CamelCase and delimited by underscores.
The test function contains code for the test and Unity Test assertions. See the
[Unity Assertions
A test suite can optionally define `void setUp(void)` and
`void tearDown(void)`, to be called before and after each test, respectively.
Each test suite is linked with the module under test, along with _mock modules_
for each dependency of the module under test, generated with
[CMock](http://www.throwtheswitch.org/cmock). Every call that the function
under test makes to a dependency module must be declared with a [CMock
The actual dependency function is not called.
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "mock_cfgfile.h"
#include "unity.h"
void test_Square_UsesExampleTwo(void) {
cfgfile_func_ExpectAndReturn(7, 49);
int result = executor_doit(7);
A module can have more than one test suite. Suite names must be unique across
the project, so a suite not named after the module under test should use the
module name as a prefix. It is recommended that each library module have at
least one test suite named after the module.
## Generating the Makefile.am
GNU Autotools uses `configure.ac` and `Makefile.am` to generate build scripts.
This template further uses a script to generate `Makefile.am` from the module
source layout and configuration files. To generate `Makefile.am`:
python3 scripts/makemake.py
This script is intentionally not invoked from either `configure.ac` or
`Makefile.am`. A project maintainer must run it directly when module source
files are added or deleted, or when `module.cfg` files are modified. It is
recommended to commit the generated `Makefile.am` to the project repo.
## Building the project and running Autotools targets
After the `Makefile.am` file is generated, you can use GNU Autotools as normal.
autoreconf --install
To build all programs:
To build just one program, use the name of the program module as the make
make myapp
To build and run all unit tests:
make check
To build all unit tests and run a specific test suite:
make check TESTS='tests/runners/test_cfgfile'
To make and validate the source distribution:
make distcheck
In general:
* Run `autoreconf --install` then `./configure` after checking out the repo for
the first time, or after running `python3 scripts/superclean.py`.
* Run `python3 scripts/makemake.py` then `./configure` after creating or
deleting files, after changing a `module.cfg`, or after `make distclean`.
* Running `make` or `make check` is otherwise sufficient when changing source files.
In theory, none of these commands causes permanent damage, and any can be
re-run at any time. To completely reset the workspace:
python3 scripts/superclean.py
autoreconf --install
python3 scripts/makemake.py
## Running and debugging a unit test
Each test suite is built to a "runner" program, then run as part of
`make check`. The runner programs are created under `tests/runners/`, and named
after the test suite source file.
To build just one test suite runner:
make tests/runners/test_cfgfile
To run a test suite runner after it is built, simply run the program:
You can attach a debugger to a test runner and set breakpoints in the module
under test. I have included [Visual Studio
Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) project configuration (in `.vscode/`) for
a "Debug a test" configuration. Select a test suite file, then run this
configuration to build and run the test in the VSCode debugger interface.
## Cleaning up build output
GNU Autotools generates Makefile targets to clean up build output:
* `make clean` : deletes files created by `make`
* `make distclean` : deletes additional files created by `./configure`
Neither target deletes files created by `autoreconf --install`.
Because it is sometimes useful to completely restore the project directory to
the way it was, I have included a script, `scripts/superclean.py`, that deletes
all files ignored by Git and `.gitignore`, and deletes all untracked files in
Git submodules (such as the provided `third-party/CMock`). Use the `--dry-run`
option to cause it to print everything that will be deleted without actually
deleting it.
python3 scripts/superclean.py --dry-run
python3 scripts/superclean.py
`Makefile.am` is not deleted by `superclean.py` because it is not in
`.gitignore`. `Makefile.am` is safe to delete, if necessary. You can recreate
it with `scripts/makemake.py`.
## Creating new modules
Module source files are simple enough that you can create them by hand. I
wanted this to be even easier, so there's a script:
python3 scripts/newmod.py modulename
python3 scripts/newmod.py --program modulename
## Building for specific operating systems
The source distribution generated by GNU Autotools from your project should
build on any operating system with a POSIX-compatible environment, including
Linux, macOS, and Windows with [MinGW](https://www.mingw-w64.org/). The built
program runs with even fewer requirements. In particular, a MinGW-built binary
can run on any Windows machine without MinGW itself installed.
To develop the project itself, you'll need a
[gcc](https://gcc.gnu.org/)-compatible C compiler, make, [GNU
[Python](https://www.python.org/) 3.x for the module management tools, and
[Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) 2.x for Unity Test and CMock code generators.
On Linux, you can install these prerequisites with your system's package
manager. For example, on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential autotools-dev autoconf ruby-full git clang-format python3.10
On macOS, install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). Simply installing Homebrew also
installs the XCode Command Line Tools, including a gcc-compatible C compiler
and GNU Autotools. You can install additional tools like so:
brew install ruby python git clang-format
On Windows, install [MinGW MSYS2](https://www.msys2.org/#installation). The
instructions describe how to open an MSYS terminal and run the `pacman` package
manager. You can use `pacman` to install the MinGW toolchain and other tools:
pacman -S base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-libusb clang autotools git
**Note:** Take care to build in a MinGW shell, and not an "MSYS" shell. From the MSYS
shell, builds will require the MSYS DLL to run. A build in the MinGW shell
produces a standalone `.exe` program. Because I always want a MinGW standalone
binary, this template's `configure.ac` will abort if built under MSYS.
It is possible to cross-build a Windows MinGW standalone `.exe` from Linux. To
do this, install additional packages:
sudo apt-get install binutils-mingw-w64 mingw-w64-common gcc-mingw-w64 libz-mingw-w64-dev
Then tell `./configure` that the target OS is Windows:
./configure --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32
The `make` will produce a file named `myapp.exe` that can be run on Windows.
## Detecting the target platform
The template uses a built-in Autotools feature to detect the target platform
for the build, then set Makefile and C preprocessor defines accordingly. It
supports the following targets:
* `WINDOWS` : Windows MinGW, including cross-compilation from Linux to MinGW
* `LINUX` : Linux
* `APPLE` : macOS
## Defining custom rules
You'll need to extend Automake definitions to link in additional libraries.
If provided, `makemake.py` will insert certain files into the generated
`Makefile.am`, so you don't need to modify the `makemake.py` script directly.
* `project.mk`, in the project root directory, gets added to the end of
* `module.mk`, in a module source directory, gets added to the end of the
module's section in `Makefile.am`.
This insertion is different from a file being `include`d by the final Makefile.
In particular, `project.mk` and `module.mk` can extend Automake variables prior
to `./configure` running Automake. This also means that these files are
restricted to Automake-compatible syntax, which is a subset of Makefile syntax.
The generated `Makefile.am` defines these list variables, so these files can
extend them with the `+=` operator:
* `bin_PROGRAMS`
* `noinst_LTLIBRARIES`
* `check_PROGRAMS`
The module section also defines these, which can be extended similarly in
`module.mk` (where `{modname}` is the module name):
* `lib{modname}_la_SOURCES`
* `lib{modname}_la_LIBADD` for library modules
* `{modname}_LDADD` for program modules
Each test suite generates these (where `{suitename}` is the test suite name,
typically `test_{modname}`):
* `tests_runners_{suitename}_SOURCES`
* `tests_runners_{suitename}_LDADD`
* `tests_runners_{suitename}_CPPFLAGS`
## Still to do
It might be useful to write larger (non-unit) test programs that use a
combination of real (non-mock) modules and mocks. A `test.cfg` file that could
request a linkage combination for a given test suite, without the need for
custom rules.
It's not obvious how to mock third-party libraries. It may be sufficient to run
the CMock generator tool on a third-party library header file. This is not yet
a built-in facility of `makemake.py`. This could be another feature of
`test.cfg` files.
The name prefix best practices are important enough that it'd be good to have a
script that validates that they are followed consistently. The compiler will
report collisions, but it won't report non-collisions that might become
collisions later. A tool could scan built `.o` object files with the command
`nm -Uj file.o` to determine the names of functions and global storage. It
would need to invoke a C parser (or fake it) to properly identify `typedef`s in
header files.
## License
This template and related tools are released under [The
Unlicense](https://unlicense.org). See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for complete text.
You are _not_ required to use this license for your project. Replace the
`LICENSE` file with whatever is appropriate.
## Note from the author
I started this thinking it'd just be a demonstration of novice best practices
for organizing a GNU Autotools project. I tried to avoid writing a module
management tool, but I couldn't get the `Makefile.am` boilerplate for tests and
mocks succinct enough to my satisfaction. I concluded that writing
my own tool would be better for my projects than trying to reuse other module
management systems like
Feedback is welcome! If you have ideas for how this can be improved,
fixed, or made more generally useful, please [file an
issue](https://github.com/dansanderson/c-autotools-template/issues). [Pull
requests](https://github.com/dansanderson/c-autotools-template/pulls) are also
welcome, though please pardon me if I take a while to respond.
See also [my blog entry on this
— Dan (contact@dansanderson.com)