2018-09-15 12:08:37 +08:00

981 B


Release to Nexus

Kumo uses the maven release and nexus-staging-maven-plugin plugins to deploy to nexus.

The commands require GPG credentials to sign the jars. Currently only the owner @kennycason can perform this.

The deploy command:

mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform

This removes the -SNAPSHOT from the version, performs and tags a git release, uploads to nexus, then bumps the version to the next SNAPSHOT version.

Update Brew Install Scripts + Doc

Brew install script must contain the updated version and md5 checksums of the file.

Brew formula page can be found here

Brew formula in GitHub can be found here

md5 checksum can be calculated via: curl -sL https://search.maven.org/remotecontent\?filepath\=com/kennycason/kumo-cli/1.17/kumo-cli-1.17.jar | shasum -a 256

Additionally the README must be updated.