Michael Peter Christen 13fbff0bff Added a RAG Proxy for AI Chat with YaCy
RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) is a method to combine a search
engine with a LLM (Large Language Model). When a new prompt is
submitted, a search engine injects knowledge from a search into the
content. This is done using a reverse proxy between the Chat Client and
the LLM. In this case, we used the following software:

LLM Backend - Ollama:
Install ollama and then load two required LLM models
with the following commands:
ollama pull phi3:3.8b
ollama pull llama3:8b

Chat Client - susi_chat:
just clone the repository and the open the file
in your browser. This displays a chat terminal.
In this terminal, run the following command:
host http://localhost:8090
This sets the LLM backend to your YaCy peer.

Then start YaCy. It will provide the LLM endpoint to the client
while using ollama in the backend. It then injects search results
only from the local Solr index, not from the p2p network (so far).
2024-05-19 17:19:09 +02:00

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5.1 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd">
<!-- Default YaCy web.xml
Note: if DATA/SETTINGS/web.xml exists, it is applied after defaults/web.xml
<description>Decentralized Web Search</description>
<!-- Quality of Service filter to prioritize service for requests from localhost -->
<!-- uncomment this to activate
<description>Quality of Service Filter, to prioritize requests from localhost</description>
<!-- Standard YaCy Servlets -->
<!-- Default servlet for all YaCy output
-as this is mandatory the servlet is activated automatically by the application
-no need to include this in this web.xml (provided only for completness)
<!-- servlet to provide direct access to the embedded solr, also used for P2P searches -->
<!-- servlet to provide searchresults via proxy -->
<description>Link text on top of proxied page to stop use of proxy</description>
<param-value>YaCy stop proxy</param-value>
<!-- mappings activated by the application - hardcoded (added here for completness) -->
<!-- uncomment this to use YaCy as remote solr -->
<!-- <url-pattern>/solr/collection1/update</url-pattern> --> <!-- only with server.response.compress.gzip=false -->
<!-- eof hardcoded mappings -->
<!-- additional (optional) mappings -->
<!-- you may add individual mappings of standard servlets here also -->
<!-- eof additional (optional mappings -->
<!-- security configuration -->
<!-- authentication method and default roles are preconfigured by the application (provided only for completness) -->
<!-- supported BASIC or DIGEST -->
<!-- Note: with DIGEST the name of this peer is part of password hashes
changing the peer name will invalidate all passwords
!!! Attention !!! prior to change this to DIGEST you have to reenter your password
to calculate a correct password hash -->
<!-- Roles -->