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Websteroids is a rewrite of the classic asteroids arcade game using enchant.js. Be gentle - this is almost the first javascript I've written...
I used the following references when writing this:
- Ray Wenderlich: http://www.raywenderlich.com/23370/how-to-make-a-simple-html5-game-with-enchant-js
- Enchant.js Crash Course: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~foaad/enchant/crashcourse/
- Enchant.js Guide: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~foaad/enchant/guide/index.html
- enchantjs.com: http://enchantjs.com
- Sweet demo game: http://sockoverse.com/tests/stest/ - I stole the game music from here...